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Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpgmark Creedon
By Mark Creedon

When Things Go Wrong Here’s 10 Things Successful People Do Differently

key takeaways

Key takeaways

Just in case you didn't know, successful people have just as many failures (in fact probably more) than the average person.

But when things go wrong they tend to handle the situations differently.

We outline 10 ways successful people think differently and what they do differently when they mess up.

There may be some lessons here for you.

Just in case you didn't know, successful people have just as many failures (in fact probably more) than the average person.

Of course, they also get things wrong, mess up and do things they wish they hadn't done.


But when things go wrong they tend to handle the situations differently.

Lifehack shares 10 things successful people do wrong when things go pear-shaped:

 1. They know how to adjust their goals 

Successful people are not going to give up that easily.

They are adaptable, resilient, and determined to go on.

That means having a plan B ready.

 2. They are realistic optimists

They know that optimism is what counts and their glass is always half full.

Research suggests that the realistic optimist is more likely to be successful

In addition, they are grateful for what they have achieved and will concentrate on their successes.

 3. They learn from their failure 

“When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.” – Dalai Lama

If successful people fail, it means that they were prepared to:

  • move out of the safe comfort zone
  • take calculated risks
  • experience the joy of growing and fulfilment

When and if they fail, they are able to sit down and assess calmly what went wrong.

There is a lesson from every failure and they know how/where to find it, accept it, and above all apply it to future projects.

“Success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill.

It is interesting to note that Churchill was defeated in many elections until he finally became Prime Minister at the age of 62!


4. They know that failure is a prelude to success

Michael Jordan kept at it and made sure that he perfected his technique. he said:

“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed.
I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” 

You can do the same by assessing your skill set and seeing how it can be improved.

Or maybe you need to spend more time on networking and building relationships.

5. They ask for advice

Many entrepreneurs were able to crawl out from the ruins of failure and start again.

But some were wise enough to seek advice from friends or mentors.

Obviously, these have to be the kind of people you would trust your life with.

They are also upbeat, and confident, and can boost your morale.

Those who make it to the top also know how to get help from their networks and connections, when they want to start over after failure or setbacks.

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6. They are persistent and courageous 

Thomas Edison failed over 6,000 times when inventing the light bulb.

The courage to go on is essential.

All successful businessmen, inventors and politicians have one thing in common.

They never quit.

7.  They know that nothing is wasted

When asked about success and failure, Robert Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ said that successful people are always pushing their boundaries.

They are the ones who know how to invest in what remains after failure so that they are always growing.


8. They know when to slow down and take a break 

Very often, entrepreneurs are slow to admit their failure and make things worse by trying to backpedal and recoup losses.

The secret is to know when to let go if you have failed, sit back, slow down, and regroup.

9. They never blame others

When successful people fail, they know where to lay blame – on themselves.

10. They never wait for the right moment

“Carpe diem (seize the moment).” – Horace

The great successes of our time in inventions, research and finance were all achieved because the entrepreneurs never thought for one moment that the ‘time was not right’.

They went ahead and did it.

Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpgmark Creedon
About Mark Creedon Mark Creedon is Director of Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind and business coach to some of Australia's leading entrepreneurs - each who call him their "unreasonable friend"
Visit Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind.

Thanks Michael. Once I offload one of my properties in Ipswich, I should be in a position to purchase the right type of property with Shannon's help to get back on track. This property has not grown in value in 5 years and keeps costing me money with ...Read full version

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Great article Michael. I am currently in the position of failing in regards to my property investing journey. My first reaction was disappointment in myself and I have felt like I have wasted the last 5 years from my first investment property purchas ...Read full version

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