Articles by Mark Creedon

Mark Creedon is Director of Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind and business coach to some of Australia's leading entrepreneurs - each who call him their "unreasonable friend"
Visit Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind.


What does success look like? It’s fair to say that we’re living in some interesting times. People are launching lucrative careers through video platforms, such as YouTube, and making money from the number of social media followers they have. Good luck to those who are doing it, of course, but in this celebrity-driven era it’s…


Okay, so the piano man didn’t really sell a car. Well, I don’t know for sure, but I’ve never seen anywhere that he used to be in car sales. He did, however, help sell a car and he’s also helped hundreds of my clients, get their clients to know, like, and trust them. Got you…


Successful property investors, business people, and entrepreneurs share common traits. They also come from varied backgrounds and have achieved their success in different ways. But according to The Founder Institute, which tested more than 30,000 entrepreneurs to discover what qualities and priorities they had in common, it turns out that most successful people can be grouped…


Did that subject line grab your attention? Of course, it did and so it should — we all started our own businesses for different reasons. Some of us took the entrepreneurial leap so we could have more autonomy. Some to gain more free time (how’s that working for you?) Most of us however are looking…


Are you waiting for things to change? Maybe you’re waiting for things to change so you can be happy or you’re waiting for things to change so you can finally take action on some of your ambitions. Maybe you’re wanting your business or professional practice to step up to the next level or you’re waiting…


Remember that old-fashioned saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman”? These days, of course, it’s just as likely to be a man behind the successful woman, but the meaning behind the saying is as true as ever. Because if there’s one thing I know for certain: you’re only as successful as your support…


So much of our life these days is scheduled around work, kids, family commitments and general life admin. Many of the hard-working readers of this blog know exactly what I mean. You devote so much time to working to get ahead and being financially free that it leaves very little time to just ‘be’. And…


When it comes to being wealthy, research has found that if you’re rich you’re likely to live longer, too. Now this isn’t because wealthier people have better or healthier genes. What it means is that they live longer because they have the funds to invest in their health. Plus, they tend to have a mindset…


Embarking on the journey to success is like navigating a winding road filled with unexpected twists and turns, and sometimes, confusing road signs that urge you to turn back. But with persistence, hard work, and the ability to learn from mistakes, reaching the summit is possible. However, along this journey, you’ll encounter a cast of…

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