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[Podcast] Powerful Life Lessons from Robin Sharma, with Mark Creedon

[Podcast] Powerful Life Lessons from Robin Sharma, with Mark Creedon
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They say the road to success is paved with failures, and speaking from personal experience, I know that's very true.

Life is a continuous learning experience.  My Podcast 417 Powerful Life Lessons Mc 04

Throughout our lives, we keep rising and falling, picking up important lessons along the way.

Some of these lessons come from experience, yet there are others that we learn by watching others or reading in books.

In today’s show, Mark Creedon and I discuss a series of life lessons from Robin Sharma, best-selling author of books like The Monk who sold his Ferrari.

I think these lessons will be just relevant in property investing as they will be in business, entrepreneurship, relationships, in fact, in all areas of your life.

And hopefully, by the end of today’s show, you’ll have some great ideas, inspiration, and new plans to make the coming year the best year of your life.

Powerful Life Lessons

Robin Sharma is a best-selling author, motivator, and personal development guru who is widely considered one of the top leadership and personal mastery experts and speakers in the world.

He recently listed 53 lessons he thought would provide some great things to think about, and today I’m keen to discuss some of them with Mark Creedon.

I hope these lessons kickstart your mindset.

  • Why resist change when it’s the main source of your growth?
  • It’s so much better to fail trying than to not even get into the game.
  • The more you invest in growing and developing your mindset and way of seeing the world, the more everything you touch transforms in a breathtakingly positive way.
  • Success has less to do with hard work and more to do with a massive focus on your few best opportunities.
  • Adore your parents. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.
  • Learn to love yourself. It’s the great rule for being loving with other people.
  • Money invested in personal development and professional growth generally has a 30X plus return on investment.
  • When your dominant business focus is to deliver outrageous amounts of value to your customers every time they do business with you, they become fanatical followers who tell the world about what you do.
  • Doing huge dreams we have never done can be frightening. Yet when we push to the edges of our limits, our limits expand.
  • Join a mastermind group. It’s just remarkable what being in a room full of people who are smarter than yourself does for your performance.
  • Our biggest enemy is our own self-doubt. We really can achieve extraordinary things in our lives. But we sabotage our greatness because of our fear.Fear
  • To become successful, first, learn how to be happy. Too many think that the route to happiness is to get successful. Untrue.
  • If you try to do it all yourself, you get very little done.
  • The real key to getting great things done is: stop doing so many good things.
  • Gratitude is the antidote to misery.
  • You can change the world, or you can worry about fitting in, but you just can’t do both
  • Become one of the rare people who don’t know how to quit (unless it really is time to quit).
  • Small little details done excellently and consistently stack up into something the world sees as Mastery
  • Life’s short. Have fun. Happiness And Love To Nature

Links and Resources:

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Learn more about Mark Creedon – Business Coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs

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Some of our favourite quotes from the show:

“The more things we feel in control of, the better we feel. And boy has the last couple of years given us lots of things that we are not in control of.” – Michael Yardney

“If you’re the smartest person on your team, then you’re in trouble.” – Michael Yardney

“Unless you’re grateful, you’ll never be happy, and all the rest isn’t worth it.” – Michael Yardney


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Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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