Key takeaways
Top achievers like Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger continue working past retirement age because of their enthusiasm and love for what they do. Success often stems from intense enthusiasm for one’s work, making it both fulfilling and financially rewarding. Finding something you're enthusiastic about and monetizing it is crucial for long-term success.
Enthusiasm alone is not enough; it must be paired with strategies that provide value others are willing to pay for. For many, property investment, renovations, or development can be an ideal outlet for enthusiasm and financial growth.
Today I'm going to do something a little bit different - I'm going to give you some insights into what makes me tick.
Maybe you’ll learn something useful from it, maybe you won't.
You see…
I remember a while ago (when I was still personally seeing clients) a prospective client asked me:
Michael now that the candles cost more than your birthday cake why are you still working?
I know others have wondered:
Is this guy really financially independent?
Does he really have a substantial property portfolio?
And if so why is he sitting here across the table from me wanting to show me how I can become financially independent?
Some lessons for you
I'd like to answer these questions because there are some instructive lessons for anyone who wants to develop financial independence particularly if you’d like to do so by growing a multi-million dollar property portfolio.
First the answer to the second question:
Yes, I am truly financially independent, having over the years built a very, very substantial property investment portfolio of residential, commercial, industrial, and retail properties.
In my books and on my podcast I talk about the concept of building yourself a “Cash Machine”.
Pam and I truly have a “Cash Machine” that gives us real choices in life.
We are in the position to take one very long (6 weeks or so) break - often a cruise - over the summer months and a number of shorter vacations throughout the year.
But I think the biggest lesson will come out of my answer to the question of why I’m still working.
Let me explain with a little story…
2 years ago we saw Paul McCartney (yes the famous Beatles) live when he was touring Australia.
He was 81 years old at the time.
He was doing a multi-city tour of Australia, at the age of 81, turning up at one city performing for 3 hours, leaving, and then on to the next place.
I repeat he was 81 years old and still on tour.
And Mick Jagger was doing the same.
He was still touring at the age of 80!
I suppose this should be reassuring for me – it suggests that 10 years from now I might still somehow or other be able to get up on the stage and deliver my presentations at Wealth Retreat.
Over the years I've worked hard so that I now don’t need to work for financial reasons, but I think I will still enjoy doing it when I’m 81 years old just like Paul does.
As far as I know, neither Paul nor Mick Jagger has any unmet financial needs.
They're still touring largely because they have nothing better to do.
I think a more constructive comment would be...
They're still touring because they have nothing else to do for which they have comparable enthusiasm.
Why they stay at it long after they need to reveals why certain people became so successful at it?
Many top achievers who are successful at what they do, and rich because of what they do, develop such intense enthusiasm for “it” that not doing “it” is akin to severing an arm.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that what many people don't seem to understand is the reason so many business people, entrepreneurs, and property investors became so successful and rich is from the enthusiasm they had in their job in the first place.
Tips: If you're doing something you don't have to or won’t quickly develop intense enthusiasm for, the likelihood of you achieving substantial success or becoming rich from it is slim indeed.
The main reason why I'm still working
I still get an intense buzz putting together property deals, putting together training programs, writing my blogs, recording my podcasts and videos, educating investors, and more importantly seeing clients become financially independent and successful.
You see…
I spend all day talking about property while drinking coffee and dealing with nice people.
Why wouldn't I still be working?
And to be honest I am still clearly, unashamedly, intensely enthusiastic about making and multiplying money.
I enjoy passing it on helping future generations including my children and grandchildren and also contributing significantly to charity.
I am very grateful for what I have and believe it's my obligation to repay the world and that's in part why I spend so much time writing and educating.
These activities are clearly the least financially profitable of all that I do but are the most rewarding.
What about you?
What are you enthusiastic about?
Is it property investing?
I know for many it’s property renovations or development – creating new or improving old dwellings.
So one of my messages to you today is…
Everybody has the capacity for intense enthusiasm – you just have to find the right outlet for yourself.
Having said that you can't just find something you're enthusiastic about and the money will roll in like they suggest in “The Secret”.
That just doesn't work!
I have found that many metaphysical teachers just talk about finding your passion and they largely ignore how important it is to “monetise” your passion, preferring to let people fantasize that they can make money just by doing things they love.
Tips: You really must find a passion that provides a service or product that others are prepared and willing to pay for.
For most readers of my blog, this will be property and for many, it will be property renovations or development.
That's exactly how I built my, now substantial, property portfolio.
Once a year I spill my guts about how I did it
At my annual Wealth Retreat, I give you the blueprint that I have used for successfully building a multi-million dollar property portfolio.
This is a training event - there is nothing to sell in the back of the room - no expensive courses and definitely no properties for sale.
We'll be holding Wealth Retreat 2025 on the Gold Coast from May 3rd to 7th.
Click here now and get all the details, express your interest in joining us and we'll be in contact with you to have a qualification interview - but don't count yourself out!.
If you are serious about finding your passion, and...
If you want to learn how to grow your lifetime wealth, you must join us at Wealth Retreat 2025.
The high-level topics we discuss won’t be found in books blogs or podcasts.
This year’s broadened curriculum will include the little-known (and rarely talked about) success philosophies, beliefs, thinking and behaviours as well as the advanced investment, finance, share market, business, structuring and tax strategies that allow multi-millionaire investors to attract maximum wealth!
You will have the opportunity to network with a group of like-minded investors, businesspeople and entrepreneurs while discovering how to build a true property investment business.
The 5 areas that help create true wealth
- Knowledge - we will be sharing "high-end" wealth creation, business and tax strategies. We have Australia’s leading faculty of property, tax, finance, superannuation and legal experts.
- Systems - we obviously believe in property as the best system for creating wealth and we will discuss advanced property strategies such as property development. Plus we will show you advanced wealth creation and business growth systems.
- Mindset - this part is critical and probably the one where attendees can get the most leverage. In previous years we expanded the delegates' Wealth Operating Systems (the way they think) so that they were receptive to a whole raft of new concepts - and judging by the results - it worked.
- The right network of people - we will be a big mastermind group. Some great joint ventures were formed at Wealth Retreat last year. In business it’s not what you know. In fact, it's not even who you know, it's often who you know knows. This is not a typo! Wouldn't you like to have access to the names in my Outlook contact list?
- Contribution - one of the true benefits of wealth is being able to contribute to our community and the world in general.
So in summary...
This 5 day retreat will be for successful business people, entrepreneurs and investors, who want to get to the next level, form a large mastermind group and learn high-end wealth creation, tax strategies and business concepts from highly successful and credible presenters.
It’s for people who want to build a true property investment business.
The numbers are genuinely limited- we keep the numbers small on purpose.
All prospective attendees are interviewed to ensure they can benefit from attending and to make sure we selecting the right people to be part of our mastermind network, especially as we hope to facilitate some joint ventures or partnerships with a few of the attendees as we did in the past.
Remember the event is 5 days in the presence of some of the sharpest minds in wealth creation in Australia today including top tax accountants, business experts and solicitors.
It also includes networking with the best mastermind group we can put together in Australia - this will be one of the most important elements of this event.
Just imagine the networking possibilities.
Don't count yourself out!
Click here and express your interest and w'll speak with you personally and explain my personal guarantee.
So put me to the test. There is next to no risk on your part - except what you think is missing if you don’t attend!