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Despite worsening affordability easing the pace of rental growth in Australia, rental availability tightened in September, with vacancy rates falling to new record lows across the country. CoreLogic’s Quarterly Rental Review for Q3 2023 shows rental values rose 1.6% over the quarter, down from the 2.2% rise seen in the June quarter and a full…

Australia’s rental crisis looks set to worsen further as fearful investors offload their properties and abandon certain markets in Queensland and Victoria. New research by the Property Investment Professionals of Australia (PIPA) shows a maximum exodus of property investors in the two states over the past 12 months, with sales of rental properties surging both…

Australia is at the precipice of a monumental shift in property ownership, thanks in large part to an aging population. The Baby Boomer generation is aging, and with that will come a massive transfer of wealth. Bernard Salt recently wrote an insightful column in The Australian – “Get ready for Australia’s great home inheritance avalanche,”…

Each major Australian capital city is faced with predicted population growth of millions more people within just the next 25 years. In Brisbane it’s over 1.5 million more, Sydney will cop another nearly 4 million, and Melbourne over 3 million more people. Here’s a scary fact: at current rates of cars to people, Brisbane will…

It is little surprise that many are calling for fewer overseas migrants. This is what happens when over 400,000 people arrive in Australian in one year from overseas. This is especially the case after a lockdown when the country lost 85,000 residents during 2021. This chart 1 shows the rise and fall in net overseas…

With our markets on the move and a new property cycle now upon us, it’s becoming apparent that more and more investors are looking for the next property “hotspot.” The problem is, hot-spotting is about short-term speculation, not long-term wealth creation. Most property investors are trying to build their asset base so that one day…

The nation’s biggest home lender, Commonwealth Bank (CBA) has upgraded its house price forecasts aligning with the optimistic outlook shared by the other big banks. Only a few months ago in May, the CBA revised its original forecast that home values would fall 6 per cent this year, instead suggesting that prices will gain 3…

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