Buying or Selling a Home

Buying or selling a home can be complex and time-consuming. Even before you make the ‘big decisions’ about which property to buy, which home loan to select, or which agent you engage to sell your home, you have other important decisions to make. You are more likely to make the right choices and avoid expensive mistakes by doing your research. Use our articles from leading experts whether you are buying or selling a home to prepare for this big step.

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10 first homebuyer lessons to teach your children

As parents, we all want to see our children succeed in life. And spreading their proverbial wings and flying the family nest to branch out on their own is a big move, particularly when they’re contemplating that first home purchase. While we might feel a paternal pull to help them up the property ladder, we…

9 Things I wish I knew before buying my first property

The challenging conditions of the current property market have many first-time investors concerned. They don’t want to make a mistake – they realise that jumping in before they are ready could be costly. Do you want to avoid the common mistakes homebuyers make? Well…here’s a list of some of the common things I hear from…

The 12 steps to buying your first own home

Okay, so you’ve decided that you’re tired of living in your rental property or with mum and dad. You now want to become one of the millions of Australians who own their own home. So now what do you do? Here are 12 basic steps: 1. Check out your financial position First, you need to…

5 ways to help your children buy property

While some very fortunate parents may be in the position to buy their children a house outright, this is certainly the exception and not the rule. And, yet, all parents are likely to cast a cautious eye over property headlines as they ponder… How will my children ever afford to buy a home? With property…

4 tips to get your property offer accepted

Buying a property can be nerve-wracking, especially for first-timers. Besides taking on the biggest financial commitment in your life, there’s the actual mechanics of buying the property. Most of the time in life, if we want to buy something, we just buy it, don’t we? We don’t really need to negotiate on price (well, except…

Which state is seeing beachside town prices plummet?

Beachside towns in New South Wales and Victoria have seen house prices drop by up to $108,000 in the past year as lockdown-driven demand slows down, according to a recent article from View. Coastal areas in Victoria’s Gippsland and Warrnambool regions have experienced the steepest falls in Australia since May last year. Suburbs such as…

Five reasons why you might not get a home loan

You’d think by all of the media coverage on low interest rates and strengthening property markets that lending was equally as shiny at the moment. Sure, it is much better than it was a year or two ago, when lending was restricted, mainly because of stringent policies instigated by APRA (Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority). These…

Four big mistakes first home buyers must avoid

Buying your first home has always been one of the highlights of many people’s lives. It’s something that they’ve dreamed about and had to make sacrifices for to make it a reality. The thing is buying your first home is often imbued with emotion, which is understandable, but it’s not necessarily the best thing when…

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