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Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

Coffee or Beer? What’s best to stimulate your thinking? [Infographic]

When I need to be creative and write another article or blog I know I tend to grab a coffee and sit in front of my computer.

But I just read that some people turn to beer instead.

Coffee 2737047 1920


Well, the infographic below by Ryoko Iwata on I Love Coffee explains the difference between beer and coffee is the difference between creativity and productivity.

Essentially while beer can help loosen up your inhibitions and make you more creative, it can also shorten your memory and decrease your focus.

On the other hand, coffee provides you with energy and improves your focus.

Beer Or Coffee

ALSO READ: Coffee Etiquette Around The World [infographic]

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

? got it drink beer then coffee and not the other way around, what about wine though?

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