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Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

Six things successful people never do…. Twice

There is nothing wrong with making a mistake.

We all stumble and fall now and again, yet the property market is full of people who’ve inched their way to the top after many setbacks.


In fact, failure is an important part of life and essential to growth  —both individually as a person and as an investor, business person, or entrepreneur.

But what separates the truly successful is their ability to learn from their mistakes.

They may mess up, or do something they regret, but those at the top of their game analyse their behaviour, learn from it, and don’t fall into the same trap again.

In other words, their mistakes don’t become habits.

Here are six bad habits you won’t see successful people repeating:

1. Expecting to find coffee at a hardware store.

What do I mean by this?

Well, some people return to dysfunctional relationships and environments hoping for a different outcome despite the fact that none of the elements has changed.

They are looking for something that doesn’t exist or is never going to happen.

Deep down they know this.

They know that the job is a bad idea or they shouldn’t proceed with a certain course of action, and yet they persist nevertheless.

Successful people know when to walk away from a situation that’s not working for them.

2. Becoming lazy

It’s easy to get complacent after many years in the workforce, but successful people never let the ball drop.

They put the effort in even when they’ve had a bad night’s sleep, are lacking motivation, or would rather be doing something more enjoyable.



Because they are emotionally mature and know there are people relying on them and they wouldn’t dream of letting someone down.

 3. Treating others poorly

The people you surround yourself with say a lot about you, as does the way you treat them.

If you want to assess someone’s character, look at how they treat people who answer to them or are junior staff members.

It’s easy to be nice to the boss, but how you treat someone who can’t do anything for you or promote you, is the true test of a person.

4. Feeling sorry for themselves

There’s no doubt that things will go wrong from time to time, yet successful people are resilient.


In fact, it’s one of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur.

If you stuff up, take responsibility for it and don’t wallow.

Self-pity is the opposite of resilience and will hold you back.

 5. Forgetting to enjoy their life

We all know people who work so hard they have no time to enjoy their life.

While a strong work ethic is admirable, human beings need balance.

Enjoying Working Day

If you need to work intensely on a project for a period of time then that’s fine, maybe even vital.

But make sure you make room to relax at some point and enjoy your life.

There is no point working 60 hours a week if you have no time to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

I’ve often said, “If you don’t enjoy the journey, you won’t enjoy the destination.”

6. Agreeing to things they’re uncomfortable with

People often think that others become rich through a great idea or good fortune.

The truth is you need much more than that.

A strong sense of self is absolutely essential to success.

You’ll be tested along the way by people who may ask you to do things you are not comfortable with or even try to change who you are.

If you try and please others and do something you’re not comfortable with, you’ll not only lose your self-respect but you’ll ultimately fail anyway.

Confident, assured people with a strong sense of self attract like-minded people.

They draw people towards them with their self-possession, and their success seems almost guaranteed.

Know who you are, what your boundaries are, and what is and isn’t negotiable.

It will make your life a lot easier — and a lot more enjoyable, too.!

ALSO READ: 4 Reasons why you need to be yourself to be successful

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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