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Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

The rich think very differently to the poor

The "Rich" and "Poor" share very different beliefs,

According to a 5-year study by best-selling American author Tom Corley, our subconscious makes up 5/6ths of our brain and responds to our beliefs.

Like software code, our beliefs direct our subconscious to manifest that which we think about and believe in.

If we believe, without any doubt, that we are going to become wealthy and successful in life, our subconscious makes it happen.

Rich And Poor Concept

There is something in our brain called the Reticular Activating System which acts as a data filter.

The RAS filters this data, eliminating most of it, and allowing in only that data the subconscious has been programmed to allow in.

Our brain is constantly bombarded with millions of bits of information coming in from our senses.

Some of this programming is old programming, hardwired into our brains through millions of years of evolution, and some of it is new programming, hardwired into our brains by our parents, environment (particularly when we were young) and our self-talk.

From the research data Corley accumulated over a 9-year period, it is clear that the wealthy and the poor have very different beliefs and that these beliefs are a major contributing factor in their wealth or poverty.

In his 5 year study, he looked at the data:

What the poor believe

  • 87% of poor people believe you must be intellectually gifted in order to become wealthy
  • 90% of poor people believe fate determines your wealth or poverty in life
  • Only 13% of poor people believed they would be successful in life
  • Only 11% of the poor believe creativity is critical to financial success
  • 80% of the poor believe genes are critical to success
  • 82% of the poor believe they are not responsible for their poverty
  • 77% of the poor believe lying is a prerequisite for accumulating wealth
  • 90% of the poor believe rich people are rich because their parents were rich and they inherited money
  • Only 22% of poor people believe optimism is important to success
  • Only 5% of poor people believe rich people are good, hardworking and honest
  • 52% of poor people believe wealth is accidental; a function of random luck

What the rich believe


  • Only 10% of rich people believe you must be intellectually gifted in order to become wealthy
  • Only 10% of rich people believe fate determines your wealth or poverty in life
  • 43% of rich people believed they would be successful in life
  • 75% of the rich believe creativity is critical to financial success
  • Only 6% of the rich believe genes are critical to success
  • 79% of the rich believe they are the cause of their financial condition
  • Only 15% of the rich believe lying is a prerequisite for accumulating wealth
  • Only 5% of the rich believe people are rich because their parents were rich and they inherited money
  • 54% of rich people believe optimism is important to success
  • 78% of rich people believe that rich people are good, hardworking and honest
  • Only 4% of rich people believe wealth is accidental; a function of random luck

The Secret

Corley explains that...

If you want to become wealthy you need to change your beliefs.

Most of these beliefs were handed down to you by your parents, your environment or through your own doing.

If you want to change your beliefs you need to reprogram your subconscious which he says you can do through Daily Affirmations and Visualizations.

I disagree...

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Now Tom's a good friend and we share many common beliefs, but while I agree with the basic premise that your beliefs control your feelings and your feelings control your actions and results, I disagree that you can permanently change your subconscious ingrained thoughts and feelings with affirmations and visualisation.

It's a bit like "The Secret" which said that what you think about the most you become.

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Note: It takes a lot more than positive thoughts to permanently change your beliefs  - it needs specially designed exercises and repetition to remove your non-supportive beliefs and replace them with more supportive beliefs.


If that were the case my 31-year-old son Harrison would become a female!

Interestingly that's why I have designed a 12-month Mentorship Program - to change the way you think about money and wealth.

It's designed to change your beliefs but as I say, it's a lot more than rah-rah or feel-good sessions.

My Mentorship Program has been running for over 10 years now and many of the participants have had outstanding results.

In that time I've mentored over 2,50 successful property investors, business people and entrepreneurs.

Click here now and learn all about it and let me be your mentor and part of your wealth creation journey.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

Rich in what sense? My strategy is Do what you think matters and find sonething that pays for some of it The payoff is high levels of motivation and enthusiasm and a happy life. Sometimes this aspect is overlooked in terms invest comprises Success. ...Read full version

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Hi Michael, I have a look at what you're doing sometimes to keep my information base as wide as possible. Thanks. I've been working for many years on the many different approaches there are to getting to the bottom of ourselves and making the chang ...Read full version

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Michael, in fact it doesn't take long to reprogram beliefs, or more importantly Values, which are the real drivers around behaviour, emotional states and thought processes. I am a psychotherapist with 35 years experience in changing thinking, behavio ...Read full version

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