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Are You Living Your Golden Years? - featured image
By Louise Bedford

Are You Living Your Golden Years?

I leaned over to my husband as we watched our children goof around in our pool.

SwimmingpoolI whispered: “These are our golden years”.

You see, with Ryan at 15 and Ashley at 11 years old, I’m all too aware that this time is fleeting.

How many more nights will Ashley get me to kiss her teddy bear, Patrick, goodnight?

How many more summers will Ryan want to hang out with me? … 3… 4…

Their childhood years are so limited, and no amount of trying to slow down time will help.

Cherish these years we must, because just around the corner lies the threat of broken hearts, career choices, goal setting and University.

Right now… as I look at my little family… I realise that my children’s innocence and youth are colouring my world with happiness.

Their little daily triumphs warm my heart.

Every day I swell with gratitude

Gratitude that these two fresh, beautiful little people have been able to enjoy the benefits of two full-time parents – because of the choices we made years ago.

Portrait Of Happy Family In Garden At HomeTwo parents who are enmeshed in their every up and down – where we get the pleasure of seeing the world through their tender young eyes.



Overwhelmingly delicious.

It’s not just the assets you accumulate when you learn how to trade with precision – it’s the experiences you get to share with those you love.

It’s the personal meaning you derive by knowing you’re doing exactly what you’re MEANT to be doing.

Revel in your choice to be an investor

Defend it against people who don’t share your vision.

Fight for your right to relish your own golden experiences and your own precious golden years.

Make the decisions now that will tinge your life with gold in the years to come.

About Louise Bedford Louise Bedford is a full-time private trader and author of several best-selling books. To pick up her ‘Trading Made Simple’ 5-part e-course, register on her website and she’ll send it to you straight away -
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