Articles by Louise Bedford

Louise Bedford is a full-time private trader and author of several best-selling books. To pick up her ‘Trading Made Simple’ 5-part e-course, register on her website and she’ll send it to you straight away -


As a Mentor, I’ve come across a large number of people in a huge variety of fields who have been very successful.  My fascination with the topic of success has led me to study countless more peak performers. One thing I know for sure. Almost every man or woman who rose to power and attained…


The magnificent coastline, free-spirited lifestyle, and amenities started to weigh less for the young Aussies as they struggled to cover their basic expenses. The salary can’t keep up with the effects of rent, inflation, and climate change. Therefore, fresh graduates and young families are seeking an alternative country to leave the life of counting every…


I leaned over to my husband as we watched our children goof around in our pool. I whispered: “These are our golden years”. You see, with Ryan at 15 and Ashley at 11 years old, I’m all too aware that this time is fleeting. How many more nights will Ashley get me to kiss her…


If you were abused or neglected as a child – IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. If you continue living your life through the lens of pain, it will taint everything. When you forgive yourself for whatever you’ve done in your past, or had done to you… you can work on forgiving others. You don’t have…


After having trained many investors to improve their skills in the sharemarket, I have tried to work out why some people succeed, and why others go onto become net losers. I’ve seen people with superior intellect go onto decimate their superannuation funds completely.  On the other hand, some people who have not been so gifted…


Property investors often make great traders in the sharemarket. There are so many similar skills required to achieve excellence in both arenas. Could it be that trading well is your hidden talent? Perhaps, because of the skills you’ve developed in property, you could translate those skills to another arena and continue your success? Take this…


Women in the areas of science, technology, engineering, law, politics and maths are earning less than their equally qualified brothers. It’s endemic across the world.  In the States, women earn 79 cents in the dollar compared to men. Women of colour… well… it’s far worse. They only earn 54 cents in the dollar compared to men….


I’m sitting here really early this morning. The sky outside is a blazing brilliant blue, like the colour you’d find in a kid’s Derwent coloured pencil collection. The morning sun is ricocheting off the pool creating a rainbow of gorgeous moving water reflections on my office walls. I starting to get a bit nostalgic and…


When I first walked out of my last actual job in the mid-90s, I have to tell you I was more than a bit scared. After I shook off the shackles, I realised that there would be no more nice fat deposits into my bank account from my employer. It gave me a jittery, butterflies…


Typically when a trader or property investor enters the market for the first time they start thinking about how much money they will make. The reality is that a new trader may never make any money because reward is a phantom that may never exist.  The only constant in markets is risk. Despite the current…

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