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Here’s one thing you need to change to become a successful property investor - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

Here’s one thing you need to change to become a successful property investor

key takeaways

Key takeaways

I’ve found that for most property investors to change their level of wealth, they must change.

Your Thoughts Lead to your Feelings – Your Feelings lead to your Actions and Your Actions determine your Results. 

The problem is for many Australians their "wealth thermostat" is not set for Wealth.

So one of the first steps in change is changing your thoughts.

In this article I share away to upgrade your Wealth Thermostat

I’ve found that for most property investors to change their level of wealth, they must change.

Rather than disagree, please humor me for a moment and read on…

Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it.

In fact, some of us love to change and others fear it.

Why is change difficult for many of us?

Because change makes us move out of our comfort zones.

It takes courage to leave something familiar and try something new.


One of the jobs of our subconscious mind is survival – to protect us.

It likes to keep things the same preferring safety and security over the untested and unproven.

Haven’t we all heard people say “better the devil I know than the devil I don't know?"

We tend to believe that if we stick with what we know, with what is familiar, then we won't get hurt.

The problem is that in terms of wealth creation, it’s not what we know that’s holding many of us back.

It’s what we think we know that isn’t so that is holding us back.

Now I know you are used to reading my thoughts on property, but for a moment I’d like to share my thoughts on wealth creation, which is really why we’re into property anyway aren’t we?

In fact, I’d like to discuss why many Australians are not as far advanced with their wealth creation as they would like to be.

They are not as successful as they would like to be and haven’t developed the financial freedom they deserve.

Yet they continue to do the same things over and over hoping somehow things will be different.

Think about it… if you keep doing the things you always did, you are going to keep getting the results you always got.

If what you've been looking for was where you've been looking, chances are you'd have already found it!

Doing more of the same even harder and longer is not usually the answer.

Being willing to change will usually create better results.

However, you can have more because you can become more.

So what holds most of us back?

It’s our Wealth Operating System ™  – our financial blueprint – the programming we received as a child.

As initially described by Wallace Wattles in The Science of Getting Rich and more recently by Harv T. Ekers in his great book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind (a must-read for all property investors):

Your Thoughts Lead to your Feelings – Your Feelings lead to your Actions and Your Actions determine your Results. 

It is no coincidence that your inner world creates your outer world.

The programming you received, usually as a child, leads to your thoughts, your fears, and your limitations about wealth creation today.

So one of the first steps in change is changing your thoughts.

How do you think about money, success, and prosperity? 

What do you say to yourself?

What is that little voice in your head saying?

For many of us, our thoughts revolve around fear, scarcity, and limitation.

mind set rich money lesson think motivational learn teach money

The problem is that what you focus on expands.

If you think about fear, scarcity, and limitation – what do you achieve?


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Tips: Your Thoughts Lead to your Feelings – Your Feelings lead to your Actions and Your Actions determine your Results.

So money is a result – wealth is a result, your health is a result.

Your results in all these fields have been caused by you – by your actions.

These occur in your outer world but are determined by your thoughts and feelings – your “inner world.”

For many Australians, their current mindset just won’t let them get to the next level.

It’s not what they don’t know that prevents them from succeeding; it’s what they think they know that isn’t correct that is their greatest obstacle.

The way they think is their greatest barrier

It’s because of their programming, their Wealth Operating System™ - the way they were programmed by the things they heard, the things they saw, and the things they experienced.

This is a type of thermostat that was usually set in our childhood and gives each of us our feelings and beliefs about money and wealth.

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Note: The problem is for many Australians their thermostat is not set for Wealth.

Many of us need to intentionally change our inner world – our way of thinking.

We need to start thinking about prosperity, abundance, and success to enable us to attract those very things.

Firstly we need to change the way we think about ourselves.

We need to see ourselves as wealthy people, as wealth attractors, and wealth creators.

This means we may need to change some ingrained thinking patterns.

Or overcome some negative ways of thinking that have developed as the result of past experiences.

Why are we scared of change?

Why do we find it hard to change our way of thinking when change is natural?

In fact, the only constant in the world, the only thing you can absolutely count on, is changing itself.

Often because our subconscious mind is programmed to keep things the same to “protect us.”

I’m sure you’ve heard people say –“better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” 

Yet most successful people all share one critical characteristic – the trait of adaptability.

They embrace change.

They look for opportunities to expand and learn.

Another common characteristic of successful people is that they have a mentor and they belong to a mastermind group.puzzle team

They hang around other like-minded successful people.

If you continue to do the things you have always done, you will continue to get the results you have always achieved.

If you want to move forward in your wealth creation.

I believe it was Einstein who said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result."

Results change when people change their way of thinking.

If any of what I’ve said has made an impression you will realise that if you’re going to go to another place in your life financially, then you are going to have to do some things differently.

And doing things differently first requires thinking differently

If you change your thinking, you will change your actions and if you change your actions - results.

The investors I have seen stuck in the same financial position didn’t understand the importance of what I’ve just shared with you today.

However, as I’ve already explained - you can have more because you can become more.

You see…here is how the other side of the coin reads - unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got. All the “property stuff” I share with you is powerful, but on its own won’t do it. In order to have more, you need to become more.

The rich keep getting richer because they're programmed and conditioned to, while most people are boxed in by the boundaries of their thoughts.

Wealth is a result – it’s a result of your thoughts and beliefs, which lead to your actions

It is important for us to understand that we are all fully responsible for our financial results. lose saving

If things aren’t working out the way you want them to, you need to stop taking the easy way out and blaming outside factors.

It’s not your boss’s fault, nor is it the government or interest rates.

It’s not even a lack of information. 

You need to stop justifying why you are not financially successful.

Most of what you have today you have attracted by becoming the person you are today.

If you want things to change in your life financially, you must change first.

Everything you’re doing right now, you’re in the habit of doing.

Everything you are not doing right now, you are in the habit of not doing.

If you’ve heard me speak on the topic of the psychology of success you’ll know I suggest you always get what your subconscious wants, not what you think you want.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

Hi Michael, Thank you for publishing this very powerful article! It very clearly explains where the root of all wins (or failures) lay and I cannot agree more with the main message that everything starts at the subconscious mind and our main effort ...Read full version

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