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As a seasoned property investor, I’ve witnessed firsthand the intricate dance of the property markets. Over the years I’ve come to appreciate that property investing is a complex affair and despite all the podcasts, blogs, webinars and so-called “advisors” the fact is that most investors fail to achieve the financial freedom they are looking for….

In 2017, Griffith University estimated Australians would pass on a staggering $3.5 trillion in wealth over the next two decades. It is estimated that around $10 billion is inherited every month in Australia, and the numbers are steadily increasing. Given these projections, it’s highly probable that many of you reading this blog will receive an…

The Reserve Bank sees no “quick fix” for the housing crisis and warns that an imbalance between Australia’s supply of new housing and growth in the nation’s demand for housing is pushing up rents and construction costs and also has implications for economic activity. In a speech on Housing Market Cycles and Fundamentals, RBA assistant…

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