It’s Monday again so here’s another collection of the 12 inspiring quotes to help get your week off to a good start: 1. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe…
I’m going to be bold and start off with my first property prediction for 2023. I believe our property markets are going to reset this year. At some time this year our housing markets with reach a trough, which will herald the beginning of the next property cycle, as buyers and sellers return as they…
If you’ve been listening to my podcasts or reading my blogs, you’ll know I have a number of rules and frameworks to help my property investing. By having these it takes the emotion out of investing and makes the results more predictable, but what’s the most important golden rule of property investing? That’s a question…
How do you view life? Some people think that what happens in their lives is out of their control. These are the folks who wait passively for what life dishes out to them. They have few goals, and they are the ones who usually hope for the best — that life will be kind to…
This is the ninth property downturn I’ve experienced in my 5 decades of investing, and I saw it coming and I’m taking advantage of it. However, the current market is causing concern and stress for many investors who’ve never invested during times like this before. In reality, the market is just doing what it always…
Yes, it’s the beginning of another week, so here’s another 10 smart money sayings from some successful investors. Hopefully one or two will inspire you to do some great things this week: 1. When the market’s going down, it is not because you are stupid. And when it is going up, it’s not because you…
Have you ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer and how you can join the ranks of the wealthy and successful? There’s been a lot of research into this question, including by my good friend and guest today Tom Corley who spent 5 years studying the rich, which he then documented in his first…
Property investment is certainly not rocket science and while you don’t have to be a genius to succeed in real estate, it never hurts to learn from great minds when trying to achieve great things. So let’s look at some quotes that have been attributed to Albert Einstein and see how we can turn these…
Have you played Monopoly recently? Monopoly has been a classic board game for over a century. It’s a real estate trading game played for fun… and for a chance to be a real estate tycoon. I recently played with some of my grandchildren, and while it annoyed me that I wasn’t able to borrow to…
Do you know the 15 common myths that are killing the wealth potential of the average Australian property investor? Last week I explained how despite us living in a land of plenty, the sad reality is that the majority of Australians will never achieve financial freedom. Yet, on the other hand, a small group of…