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35 Tips for a stunning 2020 - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

35 Tips for a stunning 2020

Happy New Year.

To help make it your best year ever, here are 35 tips for a stunning 2020.

  1. Get clear about what it is you want to achieve this year - plan to become the person you plan to become.
  2. Plan your personal life first, then your business or professional life. PFImage
  3. Get an accountability partner.
  4. Spend less than you earn - otherwise you'll always owe people money
  5. Study The Law Of Attraction.
  6. Exercise everyday.
  7. Learn to say NO.
  8. Work hard - that way you'll get lucky
  9. Go to a few seminars - but be careful who you choose as mentors.
  10. Spend 1 hour a day studying success.
  11. Be fast at everything you do.
  12. Forget fear.
  13. Eat so well you feel like you're buzzing.
  14. Think big.
  15. Be grateful - be  thankful you're alive. Idea
  16. Be kind to people.
  17. Watch videos of inspiring things as often as you can.
  18. Give up habits that don't serve you.
  19. Be your best every day.
  20. Focus only on things that make you feel good.
  21. Smile often.
  22. Stop watching the news.
  23. Take mini breaks throughout the year to recharge your batteries.
  24. Spend at least 1 day a week with your family.
  25. Ask lots of questions about everything.
  26. Do things that feel right.
  27. Listen attentively. Happy
  28. Only check Facebook and Twitter a few times a day.
  29. Talk to old people, you can learn lots of interesting stuff.
  30. Build your asset base so one day you have a cash machine that gives you passive income.
  31. Do the small things well, they count.
  32. Listen to your gut.
  33. Lay on the grass sometimes, it feels nice and relaxing. And while you're there- smell the roses.
  34. Be a nice person - always.
  35. Start thinking about a stunning 2020 now and it will come!

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

Oops number 35 talks about 2018, perhaps a cut and paste for 2020, but I agree the tips stand true.

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Looking forward to a great 2018. The last tip needs editing A great spirit in the rest of the tips.

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