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3 Lessons I learned at Wealth Retreat - featured image
Brett Warren
By Brett Warren

3 Lessons I learned at Wealth Retreat

key takeaways

Key takeaways

Opportunities to attend an event like Wealth Retreat are few and far between and not to be missed.

The first exercise gave me a level of certainty as I no longer have to focus on the short term, getting the timing right, or worrying about interest rates or black swan events.

The second exercise is about A, B, C, and D class activities and prioritising.

The third task aims at increasing your financial thermostat, and therefore your wealth, you need to increase your mind's capacity.

Wealth Retreat is not solely a property or business event, it encompasses a range of areas and topics.

Would you like to take a peek behind the curtains to understand what goes on at our Wealth Retreat each year?

We're currently planning for this year’s Wealth Retreat on the Gold Coast in early May, which is not really that far away.

However, I'd like to share some lessons from last year's event that have helped since.

By the is not only what we learned from the world-class presenters up on stage but also what we learned from other guests.

After all, how often do you find yourself in a room full of successful, like-minded people, that walk and talk the same language?

Opportunities like this are few and far between and are not to be missed.

While I could go on all day talking about the 5-day event, I have short-listed the three most popular takeaways our clients took away.

Many think this is a property event, but as you will soon find out, there is much more to it!

Here are my thoughts:

Lesson 1 – Creating Wealth is a Process, Not an Event

Are you waiting for a big change of luck or maybe a once-off event to boost your wealth?

If you are like the majority of Australians, winning the Lottery may feel like the only option to becoming wealthy.

When I started my wealth journey, I was always waiting for something “big” to happen.

I too played the lottery and waited and hoped.

Maybe one day I would buy a property and develop it to then sell for a huge profit.

I was searching for a one-off event, but it never seemed to come.

To my relief and probably yours, I found out there is a better way.

Michael Yardney had a great session where he explained is about using a specific framework to find a pathway to your goals.

We started out by working out what our end goal is, that is what we would like to achieve, and in what timeframe.

Then by following the proven framework, we can reverse engineer and put the steps in place to understand what is required to get there.

I found some solace in this exercise, as I now had a blueprint for my goals and they no longer appeared as a dream or wishes.

It also gave me a level of certainty as I no longer did — I have to focus on the short term, getting the timing right, or worrying about interest rates or black swan events.

I walked away with a greater level of direction and certainty, more than at any stage before!

Growing Wealth

Lesson 2 – Time and Task Prioritisation

How is your Time Management?

I know that this is something I have worked on before but coupled with task prioritisation, it took on a whole new meaning.

Michael Yardney and Mark Creedon combined to share some of the secrets they share with their clients at Mastermind Business Accelerator.

Michael started out by working on what our A, B, C, and D class activities are.

In short, A-class activities are generally events that happen maybe only a couple of times each year but can generate the greatest amount of income.

An example may be attending an event like Wealth Retreat.

B-class activities are next and while not as important as A-class activities will still generate a good amount of income and so on to C-class and then D-class activities.

D-class activities are the least of the income-producing tasks, like fixing a printer or minor admin tasks.

This was a great exercise to understand where you are your most dollar productive, which Mark then backed up with a great concept called Rock, Pebbles, and Sand Story

It linked in really well with A, B, C, and D tasks as worked toward greater calendar management and prioritising time and tasks.

Mark followed this up with a session on delegation, therefore allowing superior efficiency by delegating the less productive D class activities.

While I was initially skeptical of Mark's claims to find me “an extra day per month”, I now understood how this is possible.


Lesson 3 – A Wealth Thermostat

I have written previously about this idea of a Wealth or Financial Thermostat.

I heard this explained really well by Michael Yardney, who often uses a cup analogy.

Your mind is like a cup, once it is full of water, it overflows, and you are unable to put any more water into the cup.

To take on more water, you need to increase your cup size.

So, to increase your financial thermostat, and therefore your wealth, you need to increase your mind's capacity.

If you liken the water to opportunity and your mind to the cup, once your mind reaches capacity, you may miss opportunities that come your way.

Perhaps one of the best ways to increase your brain power is through self-education.

I know that Warren Buffet still reads 5-6 hours per day and Bill Gates up to 50 books per year.

By the way…..

Have you ever wondered what your financial thermostat is set for?

You won’t like the answer – which is exactly where you are right now, otherwise, you’d already have more!

Wealth Thermostat

In Summary

While I have summarised a few short key lessons I took away from Wealth Retreat, there are many more things to act upon and implement.

Once again, the feedback from last year's event on the content and quality of speakers was exceptional.

Many of our clients have voted with their feet, with around 30% of this year’s participants committing to coming again next year.

Wealth Retreat is not solely a property or business event, it encompasses a range of areas and topics.

When was the last time you dedicated 5 days to work on yourself?

5 full days to work on your mindset, set goals, economic cycles, wealth fundamentals, and business skills.

I know I would not have achieved the level of success I have if I had not attended this event on a regular basis.

If you are interested in Wealth Retreat 2025 please click here now to find out more.

It's your chance to take your property investment, career, or business to a much higher level – or change the script completely and set off on a new path that’s better aligned with your passion and purpose.

If you are interested in joining us, please click here now to register your interest and have a qualification interview with one of our team. We want to make sure attending would be right for you - but don't count yourself out!

It is a unique opportunity – a very rare chance to work with a great team of mentors.

Wealth Retreat attracts an extremely high calibre of attendees.

These are people who are already successful and willing to take serious leaps in their careers, their personal lives, and the contributions they’re making in the world.

They’re the courageous few who dare to step out of the dominant culture of resignation and mediocrity and endeavour to create the life of their dreams.

Don't count yourself out...

When you surround yourself with such motivated, energized, spiritually charged people, you tap into the power of the group and become more energized and powerful yourself.

There’s no limit to what you can accomplish with the support and encouragement of such incredible people!

Please note that to ensure the best possible experience, Wealth Retreat is limited to a small number of participants only.

Learn more and register your interest today.

The whole team look forward to helping you perfect the life of your dreams!

By the way, if after chatting with us you feel you, your property investments, or your business would benefit from you attending Wealth Retreat Michael Yardney will take the risk - He's prepared to guarantee your satisfaction. Put him to the test!

Brett Warren
About Brett Warren Brett Warren is National Director of Metropole Properties and uses his two decades of property investment experience to advise clients how to grow, protect and pass on their wealth through strategic property advice.
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