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11 Common Habits Successful People Consciously Avoid - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

11 Common Habits Successful People Consciously Avoid

You are where you are today because of all the things you've chosen to do and all the things that you've chosen not to do.

The level of your success is a direct result of their conscious choices you've made and the Rich Habits you've developed.

Here's a list of 11 disempowering but common habits successful people have consciously rejected:

1. They Don’t Define True Wealth With Money balance

Successful people realise that wealth is what you are left with after they take all your money away...

Things like your friends, family, health, inner peace, and positive contributions.

2. They Don’t Start Their Day Without a Purpose or a Plan

Not only do successful people have crystal clear short and long-term goals, they also know exactly what they must accomplish each day to feel fulfilled as well as bring them closer to their goals.

3. They Don’t Surround Themselves With Negative People

They realise that it’s fairly easy to absorb negative energy when you are around toxic people who complain, procrastinate, blame others and make excuses. 

Instead, successful people surround themselves with positive and proactive people who inspire them to achieve great things.

4. They Don’t Focus on the Negatives

Successful people don’t entertain self-defeating negative thoughts.

When things go wrong they move on by finding a useful belief to  help them identify the benefits from their experience.

5. They Don’t Dwell on Failures

Successful people accept that failure is an essential part of growth.

They look at these bumps as opportunities to learn, grow, and become even better for an even bigger win ahead!

6. They Don’t Concern Themselves With How Others Judge Them

Successful people do not base their worth on how others think of them because they’ve set their own values, goals, and principles without having to depend on anyone to validate them.

7. They Don’t Make Excuses inspiration success hard wrok

Successful people take responsibility - they don't blame others - they recognise there are no successful victims

8. They Don’t Get Jealous Over Other People’s Victories

Successful people are abundant thinkers -  that know there are enough “wins” to go around for everyone.

9. They Don’t Live in the Past

Successful people realise the past has already happened and that moment no longer exist.

If you keep dwelling in what was, you will be unable to fully be present for what is, thus negatively affecting what’s to come.

10. They Don’t Stop Learning chess-game-leader-investment-strategy-win-success-negotiate-300x235

Successful people have mentors or coaches to inspire and motivate them when challenged, and keep them accountable to their decisions and goals.

They are always learning and keep themselves open to making improvements in themselves and their lives.

11. They Don’t End The Day Without Giving Thanks

Successful people are grateful for both the big and small blessings in their lives.

These recognise that without gratitude they are not wealthy.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.
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