Every day, without even realising it, we're all enrolled in a masterclass—taught by ourselves, attended by ourselves.
The mindset lesson I want to share with you today is: You improve not just at what you practice intentionally but at whatever you do repeatedly."
Fact is:
- You get better at what you practice.
- And when we pause to consider, everything is practice.
So, take a moment to think about what that really means.
Every action, reaction, and minute spent scrolling through your phone or reacting to a post on social media is all practice.
What skills are you honing with your daily habits?
It's really easy to see what some folks are practising.
There's an ever-growing crowd perfecting the art of outrage on social media platforms.
They're becoming experts at reacting quickly and loudly, often fuelled by a sense of injustice or annoyance. It's a skill, but perhaps not the most beneficial one to nurture.
Then, some have become virtuosos of victimhood.
They have a keen eye for spotting personal slights—real or imagined—and, perhaps subconsciously, they practice the art of feeling wronged.
This, too, is a form of practice, a preparation for a life looking out from under a cloud.
And let's not forget the planners.
Oh, the planners!
They are masters of drawing up grand designs for their life, for the day, for a project.
Yet, they never get started. Their plans, so beautifully crafted, remain just that—plans.
But here’s the kicker—it doesn’t have to be this way.
Each of us has the power to change what we practice daily.
You heard me say before that you should be the pilot of your life, not a passenger being dragged along, which means we can choose what skills we wish to perfect.
Consider this: What if you started practising gratitude every day?
Or honed your skills at listening deeply to others?
What if you practised patience, kindness, or the art of following through on your commitments?
Sure, changing what you practice will require effort, but in my mind the potential rewards are immense.
By consciously choosing what we practice, we can transform not just our own lives, but also influence those around us in positive ways.
So, what are you practicing?
Is it what you truly want to excel at?
If not, remember, it's never too late to learn a new part, to rehearse a better role, to practice being the person you aspire to be.