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It’s official: It’s all happening later in property - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

It’s official: It’s all happening later in property

It all seems to be taking long now adays.

Lot's of property events are happening later in life than they did a decade ago according to Roy Morgan Research.  20523264 L

Key life-events like moving out from the family home, living in a shared household, renting, having a home loan, and owning one’s own home.

Is seems that Australians are living at home with their parents for longer than they did a decade ago – today 58% of 18-19yr olds live at home compared to 54% in 2007 and over a quarter of 22-24yr olds live at home (28%) – up from 24% in 2007.

Even 16% of 25-29yr olds still live at home in 2017 compared to 12% in 2007.

This new social group is known as KIPPERs or Kids In Parents’ Pockets Eroding Retirement Savings .

And their parents have become known as NETTELS 

The trend to living at home for longer has directly contributed to other key indicators including living in a shared household, renting, and having a home loan being delayed until later in life.

Key Life Events (2007 v 2017)

Key Life Events (2007 v 2017)

Source: Roy Morgan Single Source: 58,922 Australians aged 14+ (2007) and 50,022 Australians aged 14+ (2017).

The peak time to live in a shared household is unchanged from a decade ago and is still between the ages of 22-24, now at 31% of the population, up significantly from 2007 (26%) and this living arrangement is increasingly popular for older age groups; now 28% of 25-29yr olds live in a shared household, up from 20% in 2007.

More Australians are renting

As Australians delay moving out and put off buying a home, and getting a home loan, an increasing proportion of Australians are now renting – now the largest proportion of Australians aged 25-34. 

Now 36% of 25-29yr olds (virtually unchanged from a decade ago – 37% in 2007) are renting, but it is older age groups where the proportion of renters has significantly increased.

Whereas a decade ago more Australians aged 30-34 had a home loan than were renting, now 42% of 30-34yr olds are renting, up significantly since 2007 (33%) and now 38% of 35-39yr olds are renting, up from 29% in 2007.

Now more Australians aged 45-49 are renting (23%) than own their own home (18%) although a majority of this age group have a home loan (52%).

This is a huge social change from a decade ago when 28% of this age group owned their own home and only 18% were renting.

When do Australians buy a house?

An increasing proportion of home buyers are now in their 40s.Buying-a-new-property-off-the-plan-Feature-RET-300x200

Now just under a third of Australians aged 30-34 have a home loan (33%), down from 43% in 2007, and 43% of 35-39yr olds have a home loan, down from 51% in 2007.

The figures for 40 something Australians are little changed from a decade ago with 51% of 40-44 yr olds now having a home loan (virtually unchanged from a decade ago) and 52% of 45-49yr olds (up from 50% in 2007).

However, even though less Australians in their 30s now have home loans compared to a decade ago, the increasing proportion of Australians taking out home loans in their 40s means this is still the peak age group for Australians with mortgages.

Owning one’s own home

Clearly the later in life one takes out a home loan, the later in life it will be when one comes to own the home outright.

Now only 12% of 40-44yr olds own their home (down from 18% in 2007), and just 18% of 45-49yr olds own their home (28% in 2007).

This trend is evident through older age groups.

It now takes until Australians are aged 60-64yrs old, almost at retirement age, for a majority (60%) to own their home whereas in 2007 55% of 55-59yr olds owned their home.

Michele Levine, CEO, Roy Morgan Research says that long-term employment trends and an increasingly expensive housing market are delaying the traditional Australian dream of owning one’s own home:  

woman property deal

“Important life-changing decisions are happening later in life than they used to – even compared to just a decade ago. Australians are living at home for longer, a significant proportion are now renting well into their 40s, and it is only near retirement that a majority of Australians are finally owning their own home after a lifetime of work.

“The changing shape of Australia is driven by two demographic trends – millennials are staying at school or in education longer and staying at home or in shared accommodation while they do that; Baby Boomers, rather than paying off homes as quickly as possible, are using the equity in their homes to renovate, upgrade, invest or finance whatever other activities that want to engage in.

“The increasing price of housing relative to incomes – especially among younger Australians, is only part of the story.”

Source: Roy Morgan Research

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.
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