Australia is the lucky country.
And even though we have a substantial landmass, we're really inly a small player when we look at the size of our population.
This map below may change how you view the world because it's a population cartogram - a visualization in which statistical information is shown in diagrammatic form.
Here each square in the map represents 500,000 people in a country’s population.
In total there are 15,266 squares, representing all 7.633 billion people on the planet.
Countries like Australia which has a giant land mass but a relatively small population appears much smaller in this kind of map.
Meanwhile, a country like India grows much bigger, because it has a large population living within a smaller area.
Where did Australia go?
Not surprisingly, India and China are the biggest countries on this cartogram, especially looking oversized in comparison to countries in the Middle East like Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, or the United Arab Emirates.