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Estimates suggest there will be 25 million of these by 2100 - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

Estimates suggest there will be 25 million of these by 2100

Estimates suggest there will be 25 million of these by 2100.

Take a guess what I'm talking about:

Is it: electric vehicles, household robots, wild elephants, centenarians, or streaming services per household?

  • Electric vehicles.
    There may be far more than 25 million – estimates suggest 145 million – on the road by 2030.
  • Household robots.
    Domestic robots that offer companionship or help with tasks like lawn mowing, vacuuming, and mopping are becoming popular.
    Estimates suggest about 55 million domestic bots will be sold next year.
  • Wild elephants.
    From 1989 to 2018, the number of elephants in the wild doubled to 34,000, reported
  • Streaming services per household.
    Currently, the average number of streaming services per household is four.
    There’s room for growth, but probably not that much.
  • Centenarians.
    The world is in the midst of a longevity revolution and, by 2100, there may be as many as 25 million centenarians – people age 100 or older – around the globe, according to a source cited by Science Direct.

Future Work

Estimates suggest there will be 25 million of these by 2100

The world’s 65 and older population is growing rapidly.

According to the most recent population estimates from the United Nations.

“…1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age 65 by 2050, up from 1 in 11 in 2019.

The latest projections also show the number of people aged 80 or over will triple in the next 30 years.

In many regions, the population aged 65 will double by 2050, while global life expectancy beyond 65 will increase by 19 years.”

Longevity deserves more thought than it often receives.

It is an essential part of every financial and retirement plan, influencing savings goals, investment choices, and retirement income levels.

That's why I frequently say you're going to need much more money to enjoy your golden years than you most likely estimate.

Once you retire you'll be experiencing the longest holiday of your lifetime, you need money to enjoy it

Yet, people often underestimate their potential longevity.

It is often said that the average life expectancy here in Australia is 84.

Consequently, many people assume they should plan to live to age 84.

However, this estimate is just an average.

Half of the 65-year-olds will live beyond age 84.

When it comes to planning for the future, having above-average expectations for longevity may be a good idea.

What sort of properties is going to support your longevity?

So if you are going to live 30, 40, or even 50 years in retirement, what sort of property portfolio will you need to support your financial future?

I'm sure you realise the government isn't going to be able to afford to look after you in the style that you're hoping for.

And if you think about it... if you buy a property today that is 30 or 40 years old, and you retire in 20 years' time that property will be over 50 years old then, and you were going to want it to work for another 30 or 40 years.

So as you build your property portfolio you have to have a long-term focus in mind and ensure the type of properties you buy will be in continuous strong demand by tenants and owner-occupiers in the future, not just in year 10 future but in 50, 60 maybe even 100 years from now.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.
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