Success is no accident. The most successful people in life – whether in business, family life, music, or on the sports field – may not always seem like they have much in common. How are The Beatles similar to Steve Jobs? Or Warren Buffett and Shane Warne? But when their traits, habits, and work ethics…
Success isn’t genetic. And it’s not something that simply ‘happens’ to lucky people. Instead, it’s a result of the everyday habits that give successful people the ability to achieve greatness. Put it this way: they didn’t become successful from binge-watching Netflix on the sofa all weekend. Habits that underpin success (no matter what your definition…
If you’re like me, you’re interested in learning about success and reading about successful people. I enjoy reading about the habits, philosophies, behaviours and influences of those who have managed to accomplish great things. Not only do I find it motivating, but by understanding how and why successful people do what they do, I pick…
Ever wondered how Warren Buffett went from selling Coca-Cola bottles for a nickel as a seven-year-old in Omaha to sitting atop the Berkshire Hathaway empire with over $1,070 billion in assets? There are three key habits that helped him get there, and they’re habits everyone can adopt. 1. Never Stop Learning In Berkshire Hathaway’s 50th…
So many people fear making a mistake. They’re scared of looking stupid in front of people they respect or messing up in front of the boss. But everyone makes mistakes. In one of her blog posts, entrepreneur Lisa Messenger admitted she makes mistakes all the time. “I’ve stuffed up. I still stuff up. I will…
Let’s face it; no one likes stress, but it’s something we all live with to some degree. Whatever the cause, the end result of stress presents with about 15 to 20 varying symptoms that can include loss of appetite, sleep problems, irritability, trouble concentrating, and sadness. Now not all stress is bad for you. In…
Turn on the news and you’ll see plenty of people in hot water over mistakes they’ve made. There are some pretty powerful people out there, I’m sure you’ll agree, who make expensive and damaging errors every day. Now, I’m not saying that’s OK or that they shouldn’t take responsibility for what’s happened. But my point…
Lacing on your running shoes and pounding the pavement is a common way of keeping fit. But what about the people who go the extra mile? You know the ones – they’re the social runners who start out running five kilometres and then keep upping their distance goals. The next year they might train to…
What does success look like? It’s fair to say that we’re living in some interesting times. People are launching lucrative careers through video platforms, such as YouTube, and making money from the number of social media followers they have. Good luck to those who are doing it, of course, but in this celebrity-driven era it’s…
Okay, so the piano man didn’t really sell a car. Well, I don’t know for sure, but I’ve never seen anywhere that he used to be in car sales. He did, however, help sell a car and he’s also helped hundreds of my clients, get their clients to know, like, and trust them. Got you…