Articles by Mark Creedon

Mark Creedon is Director of Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind and business coach to some of Australia's leading entrepreneurs - each who call him their "unreasonable friend"
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Successful stories are everywhere in the media. Celebrities who are making millions of dollars a year, entrepreneurs who are kicking goals, and businessmen and women disrupting industries with their ideas and innovations. From the outside, it can look so effortless. But just like talented sports stars make their physical feats look easy, talented investors and…


I am often asked how to deal with negative interruptions in the working day. You know how it goes, you get to work and things are going along just nicely. You have batched your time and you are feeling good about getting to the projects you have set out for the day. Then, bam! Somebody…


Read, enjoy and be inspired, even if you’re not a leader today because one day you will be. 1. “To add value to others, one must first value others.” – John Maxwell 3. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you…


When it comes to being wealthy, research has found that if you’re rich you’re likely to live longer, too. Now this isn’t because wealthier people have better or healthier genes. What it means is that they live longer because they have the funds to invest in their health. Plus, they tend to have a mindset…


Just like successful property investors share common traits, the most successful people in business work differently. had a peek into what they do–and why it works and found they also share a number of habits. Here’s what they found… 1. They don’t create backup plans Back-up plans can help you sleep easier at night….


Just for fun, I did a quick Google search on how to be successful and it came up with 1,260 million articles There are lots of blogs with 7 steps to becoming successful sooner or 10 tips on how to be successful in life. Clearly, there’s not one definition of success but in Arianna Huffington’s…


There’s a saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing many times and expecting different results.  If you make a mistake or have a negative experience and you return to that same situation hoping for a different outcome, then you are doomed to failure (and misery.)  So much of the drama that…


While most of us want to lead a happy, fulfilling life there’s no denying that there are overall happy people and unhappy people. For those who tend to be unhappy, it seems that they often do things (whether subconsciously or consciously) that make them unhappy. According to while we may think that our sad…


Running your own business can be a solitary game. The buck stops with you, and sometimes it seems there are few to who you can turn. There isn’t a team of others to consult with for advice or support. In the current uncertain environment, not having a clear path can be daunting. I know this…


Successful people didn’t just get that way because they had unique ideas. Sure, coming up with something original probably helped them, but it wasn’t the only reason they reached the top. The people that aim for the stars also understand that they need to be emotionally intelligent if they want to succeed. What does that…

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