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3 ways to build a business, not a job – Interview with Mark Creedon founder of Business Accelerator Mastermind - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

3 ways to build a business, not a job – Interview with Mark Creedon founder of Business Accelerator Mastermind

Are you a business owner, entrepreneur, or professional?

Are you thinking of getting into business?

Then this interview with Mark Creedon, founder of Business Accelerator Mastermind is for you because he's going to share the secrets of building a business and not a job.

He'll also explain the 3 Levels of Business and how to scale your business fast so it's not so dependent on you.


Watch as we discuss:

  • The three levels of business
    • Level 1: When you first launch your business. You have no freedom and no control. You’re working long hours because you have to get things done yourself. The business relies 100% on you.
    • Level 2: You have more control, but still no freedom. The business is working only as long as you do. There’s no additional revenue coming in when you’re not there.
    • Level 3: You have total control and total freedom. You’re the owner of a business that runs even when you’re not there.
  • 3 steps you can take to free yourself from the responsibility of doing everything in your business
  • 3 things you must master to scale your business fast

Why not have a chat with Mark Creedon and see how you could benefit as a member of BUSINESS ACCELERATOR MASTERMIND

Find out more about BUSINESS ACCELERATOR MASTERMIND by clicking here

Business Accerator Mastermind

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

Thanks, Michael and Mark. I listened to it twice now. You made a few really good points. Mark mentioned that the programme is not for everybody, and in particular not for those who are in "start up" phase. I understand it that people who have 1-2 inv ...Read full version

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Thanks, good podcast. Yes, everybody want to get to level 3 and the skills are needed. Unless you are Richard Brenson, you can't launch level 3 business from the start. To be at level 3 you have to run level 2 quite well. And before that you would h ...Read full version

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