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11 ways successful people achieve their dreams - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

11 ways successful people achieve their dreams

Dreams don’t have to be just dreams – they can be a reality. 

In life there are certain things that each person can do to achieve their dreams, but successful people often do these differently to the rest.

1. They work hard for their money 37977530_l

Successful people work hard to reach their dreams.

They do what it takes to reach their dream, even if it takes a very long time and all of their time.

Successful people don’t baulk at working longer or at two (or three) jobs or doing courses or even attending night school to reach their dreams.

They just get on and do what needs to be done.

2. They don’t make excuses

In my experience, successful people don’t make excuses.   

Instead they make their actions speak for them.

When most people think about their dreams, they might come up with excuses for why their dreams aren’t possible.

But this is isn’t the mindset of successful people who reach their dreams because they don’t believe in making excuses.

Instead, they’re proactive and try to overcome any and all obstacles.

Those who aren’t successful in reaching their dreams are the ones who most likely create excuses for why their dreams just aren’t achievable.

3. They have principles

Having, and holding onto, your own principles are both vitally important when you’re trying to reach your dreams.

You have to know who you are and why you are doing certain things.

Most importantly you can’t just forget who you are during your journey to success.

4. A healthy life

Successful people make sure that they stay fit and healthy, since they know exercise makes them more productive and allows them to think more clearly.

5. They’re risk takers success risk wealth

Dream-catchers are people who are willing to take risks.

Many dreams require risks to be taken such as working away from the safety of a full-time job to launch a start-up.

Or taking on debt to buy an investment property.

If you don’t take some risks to realise your dream, you’ll never know if you had any hope in reaching them.

6. They never give up

Successful people never quit – ever.

Even when times are tough, they try to not stop what they’re doing.

They think of their end goal and what they can do to get there.

7. They set realistic goals expert leader

Successful people set goals and reach them one by one and have the patience to see the journey through to the end.

For example becoming a successful property investor requires patience and persistence.

You must not only get started, but you must continue on and follow through.

Residential property is a long-term investment, not a get rich quick scheme.

8. Positive thinking

Successful people who reach their dreams are positive.

They rarely think negatively and spend more time thinking about how they can achieve their dreams instead of dwelling on any obstacles along the way.

9. They’re prepared to make sacrifices

Successful people make sacrifices in order to reach their dream.

They may have to work for low pay or spend more time away from their family than they’d like – whatever the sacrifice they are prepared to make it to achieve their dreams.

10. Multi-tasking magic

Multi-tasking is a skill that successful people have down to a fine art.

And generally someone who’s also a very good multi-tasker achieves their dreams.

Successful people may have to do many things at once in order to reach their dream and they don’t let how busy their life is stop them.

11. Have mentors

When you surround yourself with the best, you are at your best. 10718072_l

All successful entrepreneurs and investors seek out and learn from the best of the best.

In the early 1970s when I stared investing in property and wanted to become successful at it, I discovered that my own learning and experience weren’t enough.

So I started to look elsewhere and turned to books, teachers, mentors and even consultants for advice.

And they all seemed to point to the one common denominator – one of your best educational tools is to learn from others; people who have gone before you and done what you want to do.

What this meant was that I didn’t have to start from the beginning and learn from my own mistakes.

I could start where someone else had left off, I could give up my need to “do” in order to learn. In fact I could learn faster.

You see… when I first started investing I wanted to do it all myself.

I guess there were two reasons behind this – one was I thought it was the best way to learn. 33836502_l

And to be honest the second reason was that I was “cheap”.

I thought it would save me money doing it all myself, when in fact it cost me lots.

Experience is an expensive teacher.

When I recognised I didn’t have to do it all myself or make countless mistakes – it was one of my biggest “a-ha” moments.

In fact, I jokingly say that some of my best thinking was done by other people.

I believe you should use others’ success as templates to rapidly close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

If you can’t meet them personally, read and study everything you can about them.

You don’t have to emulate every aspect of your mentors’ personalities.

Just choose what could work for you and then apply15297968_l

By the way for the last 10 years I’ve been conducting a 12 month Mentorship Program and  have personally mentored over 2,000 property investors.

And I’m very proud of their successes.

You can find out more about this by clicking here

Why not allow me to teach you the Science of Getting Wealthy.

I’ve designed my 12 month long Mentorship Program, designed to help participants change their way of thinking and inspire them to commence and continue along the path to financial freedom.

This program is for you if:

  • You would like more freedom and choices in your life.
  • Are tired of working harder and working longer and want to build a property investment business that works for you.
  • You are involved in property and want to take it up a notch and shorten your learning curve to becoming a successful investor.

Click here now and learn about my Mentorship program and allow me to be part of your wealth creation journey. Or better still email Jo Fitt my assistant [email protected] and she’ll tell you all about it.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

Your exceptional expertise on property investment gives me strength to continue pursue my ever desired dream if running a successful investment at a global scale.Michael,you are my mentor.

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A friend of mine has a Filipina wife, she works hard and they have paid off their unit and even have a rental unit. Immigrants typically, I think, work hard to get ahead as they have experienced poverty and lack of opportunity. Natural born Austral ...Read full version

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The consistency and balanced nature of your wisdom are two of the things I admire most about you, Michael. Every time I mention you to a friend or colleague or I give one of your books away (done that a few times), it's always these two things I high ...Read full version

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