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The Property Market Has Topped - featured image
Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

The Property Market Has Topped

The property market has topped.

Well…that’s what some experts are saying.risk investment market

Initially analysts at investment bank UBS called the top of the housing market a few weeks ago, suggesting both market activity and price growth will now moderate.

This week Corelogic’s stats showed their five city aggregate hedonic home value index has virtually held steady over the last month, with a subtle fall in Sydney values.

Tim Lawless Corelogic’s head of research explained:

"Recent regulatory changes aimed at slowing the pace of investment and interest-only lending have pushed mortgage rates slightly higher and slowed the pace of investment demand. These changes appear to be having a dampening effect on housing market conditions”

The Australian Property Market Has Topped

Is it time to worry? 

Let's be honest, the last couple of years have been a dream for many property investors.

Money was cheap, banks were falling over each other to lend to investors, our markets were booming (particularly in Sydney and Melbourne) and an underlying shortage of supply together with a rising population created the perfect storm for booming property markets.

But the reality is the market is changing and the conditions which drove the dramatic growth we've seen over the last couple of years are not going to take us into the future.

So the question is where are we heading now?

Some commentators are suggesting the market is about to turn citing lower auction clearance rates and slowing investor finance as signs we’re at the top of the property cycle.

Sure, auction clearance rates are now in the mid 70 percent range rather than the heady 80 percent plus range. 15563628 - house and question 3d image

But history shows there’s no need for concern till clearance rates drop below 60 percent.

And while the fact that news loans to investors in March climbed at the slowest pace in six months will be music to the ears of the regulators, there are still more investors looking for property in Sydney and Melbourne than there are good properties.

I see a period of more moderate property price growth for the rest of the year, followed by a period of stagnating property values and moderate price falls in some areas.

Now this doesn't mean the sky is falling and we are doomed as some overseas experts are suggesting, but investors won’t be assured of strong capital or rental growth in the immediate future. (In reality it is never assured!)

This means as we transition through the next stage of the property cycle investors will need to strategically position themselves for the next few years.

What will drive our property markets now?

As always our markets will be driven by broader macro economic factors as well as by local micro economic factors.

At the macro level things like our economy, interest rates, availability of credit, consumer confidence, world economic events, government policies (interference) and external political factors will influence the strength of our real estate markets.

At the local level, economic growth, jobs growth and population growth will drive (or hinder) property price growth. As will the supply and demand ratio of properties.

Property is a game of financeproperty

Every property cycle I’ve invested through over the last 44 years has eventually come to a halt because of finance.

In the old days it was because of a government induced credit squeeze when finance became difficult to obtain.

Since deregulation it has been the RBA raising interest rates which has put an end to each property boom.

But this time around its back to a credit squeeze (I’m surprised no one else has used that term – maybe there are not many of us old enough to remember it) with ASIC’s macro prudential controls forcing banks to tighten the screws on investor lending.

Now this is not a bad thing.

The strength of the Sydney and Melbourne property markets was unsustainable.

And the fact that around half of all purchases in some locations in these cities were made by investors could have lead to unstable markets.

I’d rather see a softening of our markets, as I’m now expecting, in the low interest rate environment  we’re experiencing, rather than a general recession and market crash brought about by high and rising interest rates.

So what’s ahead?

Let's start by examining some of the factors affecting our property markets.

 1. Subdued economic growth- Australia's economic growth is below its long-term average and this trend is likely to continue considering the current world economic environment. economy

This is likely to keep interest rates on hold for the second foreseeable future

2. Jobs growth is very fragmented – almost all the permanent jobs growth is occurring in Victoria and New South Wales which is driving local population growth, the local economy and therefore their property markets.

 And this trend is fragmentation is likely to occur in the foreseeable future.

3. Low inflation - the latest CPI figures show inflation has ticked up a little bit but is still at the lower end of the RBA's desired range.

This together with our generally weak economy means the RBA is unlikely to raise interest rates anytime soon.

4. Fickle consumer sentiment – our local problems together with the world's political and economic uncertainty means consumer sentiment has dropped recently.  urban

When people are uncertain, they tend to stop spending

5. More macro prudential controls- even though the RBA are keeping interest rates steady, banks are raising interest rates and tightening serviceability criteria for investors and, as I’ve explained, this is one of major factors slowing our property markets.

It's likely that credit will become even more difficult to obtain in the future, before things eventually become easier, so maybe could be a good time to consider fixing a portion of interest rates on your loans.

6. Population growth is slowing and concentrating in areas where jobs are being created – particularly Victoria and NSW (really Melbourne and Sydney)

7. Significantly less foreign investment – Foreign investment which fuelled our inner city apartment high rise boom is expected to more than halve this year, from 40,000 to 15,000 transactions. Treasurer Scott Morrison said:

"Cooling foreign investor interest, due to tougher foreign investment rules implemented by our Government and capital outflow restrictions in China, are already having an impact."

The bottom line:

Like it or not the markets are moving into a phase of more moderate growth. property australia

Obviously there will be outperformers and underperformers.

As a property investor your job is to find the type of property that will outperform the market averages and remain stable – in other words not fluctuate in price significantly.

This is likely to occur in the areas where economic and jobs growth (basically our service industries) will lead to population growth and property demand, as well as consumer confidence because of job certainty.

In general this will be in the inner and middle ring suburbs of our 3 big capital cities.


Are you going to take advantage of the property markets in 2017 or are you going to get caught by the traps ahead? 

If so and you’re looking for independent advice, no one can help you quite like the independent property investment strategists at Metropole.

Remember the multi award winning team of property investment strategists at Metropole have no properties to sell, so their advice is unbiased.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned property investor, we would love to help you formulate an investment strategy or do a review of your existing portfolio, and help you take your property investment to the next level.

Please click here to organise a time for a chat. Or call us on 1300 20 30 30.

When you attend our offices you will receive a free copy of my latest 2 x DVD program Building Wealth through Property Investment in the new Economy valued at $49

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.
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