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How many properties does Michael Yardney own? - featured image
Brett Warren
By Brett Warren

How many properties does Michael Yardney own?

key takeaways

Key takeaways

It's important to always remember that it's not about the number of properties you own, it's about the size and value of your asset base and the quality of assets within your portfolio.

Michael's portfolio would consist of well-located residential suburbs in the inner middle rings of our capital cities, quality investment-grade assets with a strong focus on growth that outperforms the averages, owner-occupier appeal, a large land-to-asset value ratio, and some level of scarcity value.

If I had a dollar for every time in my capacity as a property strategist I’ve been asked "How Many Properties does Michael Yardney own?", I’d be almost as wealthy as Michael.

Well before I put you out of your misery and answer the question I thought we could have some fun first.

How about a multiple-choice question?

House Model Amidst Coins At TableTry and answer the following question correctly first.

How many properties do you need to retire?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
e) 8

If you answered ‘a’ or ‘b’ then you are wrong!

If you answered ‘d’ or ‘e’ then you are incorrect.

However, if you answered ‘c’ then are also wrong!

That was fun, wasn’t it? (I can almost see you shaking your head as I write this)

If you realised it’s a trick question, then you are already ahead of the game

It’s important to always remember that it’s not about the number of properties you own, it’s about the size and value of your asset base and the quality of assets within your portfolio.

Let me put it this way, whenever we see the illustrious Forbes Rich List or the BRW Rich List there is rarely any mention of the number of assets the individual owns.

What is however always mentioned, is what is important, the individual's net worth.

And the net worth is the value of all assets minus the total of all liabilities.

There’s that word again.......‘value’.

That being said, let me ask you another question

What would you prefer?

30 residential investment properties or 1 Westfield shopping centre?

Don’t worry it’s a rhetorical question, no need to answer it.

But I gather you get my point.

Forget the number of properties and think of the value of properties.

Ok so now that I’ve set the tone.....on to the question you’ve all been waiting for.

The 6-million-dollar question

In fact, it’s worth significantly more than that.

And yes, you guessed it, it’s another multiple-choice.

Here we go...

15563628_l1How many properties does Michael Yardney own?

a) 17 properties
b) 24 properties
c) 32 properties
d) 56 properties
e) 75 properties
Drum roll, please...


Oops, I forgot to include option ‘f’.

Option ‘f’ being... IT DOESN’T MATTER.

(I’m sorry for yelling)

Yes, I know it’s a bit of an anti-climax and if you haven’t thrown your phone across the room or punched the computer screen then please continue reading.

The truth is that I don’t know.

Not only do I not know but it’s actually none of my business.

Nobody knows how many properties Michael owns, other than the man himself (and his wife Pam - if she can keep count.)

What I do know however about Michael’s portfolio, in fact, what I can guarantee are the following 8 things:

  1. Each property would be in a well-located residential suburb in the inner middle rings of our capital cities.
  2. Each property would be a quality investment-grade asset with a strong focus on growth that outperforms the averages.
  3. Each property would have an owner-occupier appeal.
  4. Each property would have been purchased at or below its intrinsic value.
  5. Each property would have a large land-to-asset value ratio.
  6. Each property would have had the potential to add value via a renovation or development.
  7. Each property would have some level of scarcity value. That is, it would have something unique about it relative to the level of demand.
  8. Each property would have been the highest and best use of his funds.

So, there you have it

We are no closer to answering the mysterious question however we have learned there is a much more accurate and powerful question to ask a property investor to determine their success or wealth. Wealth

And that is ....‘What is the value of your asset base?’

That being said, if you ever find out how many properties Michael owns or the value of his asset base then feel free to get in touch (I would still like to know).

If you would like to discuss how to grow the value of your asset base with quality investment-grade assets that outperform the averages in growth, then reach out to the independent team at Metropole property strategists.


Brett Warren
About Brett Warren Brett Warren is National Director of Metropole Properties and uses his two decades of property investment experience to advise clients how to grow, protect and pass on their wealth through strategic property advice.

And if you lost that one Westfield in a fire or for whatever reason then all your income is lost too. Wouldn’t you spread your risk?

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This was a nice read that is both fun and informative, as it triggers a sense of reflection. I would love to meet Michael one day, but I wouldn't ask him about how many properties he owns. I am rather more interested to learn about his journey and ho ...Read full version

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None, as they are not in his name.

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