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Regional property markets are experiencing a slowdown in value growth as affordability constraints, normalising listing levels, and the elevated interest rate environment continue to impact growth, according to CoreLogic’s Regional Market Update. Regional markets saw dwelling values increase by 1.3% over the three months to July, compared to a 1.8% rise in capital cities. The…

When it comes to investment, we’ve all heard about the concept of compound growth. It’s the powerful snowballing effect caused by growth upon growth. It’s the ability for money to grow in value by ever-increasing multiples of itself, which, over time continually gets larger and larger. Thanks to the power of compound interest, for example,…

Many experts assure us that past performance is a good indicator of what to expect in the future. I have investigated how they rely on past performance to make their forecasts and have come across a huge contradiction. Some analysts claim that a history of strong growth is a reliable predictor of more growth to…

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