It’s official. Our property markets are on the move and will perform strongly in 2021. Last October in our regular Property Insider videos – we announce that Australia’s property markets had turned the corner after being put on pause by = the coronavirus induced lockdowns which caused “the recession we made us have.” But now…
In round figures, approximately 2.2 million Australians own an investment property – which is less than 10 per cent of the population. Of these investor figures, the vast majority own just one holding (over 70 per cent). I firmly believe that investors are getting stuck at one property simply by getting the first one wrong….
The December quarter saw the combined capital city clearance rate continue to strengthen, while auction volumes increased by 44 per cent over the same period. The combined capital city clearance rate was recorded at 69.4 per cent over the December quarter, making it the best performing quarter of 2020. The March 2020 quarter recorded a…
Many first-time investors stay just that way — one-time-only buyers, who never progress beyond having that one solo property in their portfolio. This happens for several reasons. An underperforming property, lack of funds to purchase again, and — worst of all — apathy or losing sight of your ‘big picture’ goals are some of the most common ones…
The more you know about the most common mistakes that investors make, the better your likelihood of building lasting wealth In this weekly series of short minute videos, Brett Warren and I discuss the common mistakes we’ve seen investors make. Today we discuss demographics and why it’s important to understand how this is changing and…
Remember those scaremongers who told us we were going to fall off a cliff in September 2020? They were worried about all the mortgage deferrals and the government pulling back on some of its stimulus programs. Their main concern was that they would be a swag of mortgagee sales as home owners and investors could…
Our property markets ended the year strongly, with buyer demand pushing prices up almost everywhere as home buyers respond to lower borrowing costs and repayment buffers, plus grants, incentives and stamp duty waivers. Not only are these easier and cheaper borrowing conditions encouraging more buyers to enter the market, but they also give buyers more…
House prices in some of Australia’s school catchment areas have soared by as much as 35% over the past 12 months. While our property markets have been generally subdued this year, the top 10 primary and top 10 secondary school catchment zones nationwide all reported house price growth of at least 25% year-on-year, a new…
I have had a number of people contact me recently about wanting to establish property investment portfolios. One such person referenced Steve McKnight’s book “From 0 to 260+ properties in 7 years” (published in 2012) and asked me what’s necessary to embark on this kind of journey. I’m the last person to get in the…
In a year that no one could have predicted, from a deadly global pandemic to our largest economic downturn since the 1930’s, CoreLogic’s Best of the Best 2020 Report reveals Australia’s $7.2 trillion residential real estate market proved remarkably resilient. We look at a suburb level analysis of a variety of measures used by CoreLogic…