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Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpglouise Bedford
By Louise Bedford

People’s Top 10 Regrets About Their Lives

Backed by extensive research people’s number 1 soul-crushing regret in their life probably won’t surprise you.

Romantic regrets for women are the most common type.

For men, work regrets are the most crippling.

People regretted actions and inactions to equal degrees.

But, it was regrets about things people didn’t do that lasted the longest.


Here is a list of the most commonly described regrets:

1. Romance, lost love – 18.1%
2. Family – 15.9%
3. Education – 13.1%
4. Career – 12.2%
5. Finance – 9.9%
6. Parenting – 9.0%
7. Health – 6.3%
8. Other – 5.6%
9. Friends – 3.6%
10. Spirituality – 2.3%

Knowing that regrets about inaction weigh on your heart far more heavily than things you actually do, are you truly willing to kiss goodbye to the opportunity to learn about how to invest like a professional?

At the very end of your life, is this something you feel you can live with?

The choice is up to you

Don’t regret your inaction.

Next time you see a function or a seminar from someone you trust, whose advice is hard-won and valuable... maybe you’d just better say “Yes – I’ll be there!”.

Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpglouise Bedford
About Louise Bedford Louise Bedford is a full-time private trader and author of several best-selling books. To pick up her ‘Trading Made Simple’ 5-part e-course, register on her website and she’ll send it to you straight away -

Where's the link to the research on regrets?

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