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Michael Yardney
By Michael Yardney

Top 10 Common Habits of High Achievers | Rich Habits, Poor Habits [VIDEO]

High Achievers are people who achieve some level of greatness in life.

They might be successful entrepreneurs, professional athletes, Olympians, famous writers/authors, painters, engineers, singers, prominent religious figures, etc.

Essentially, they are individuals who, through their actions, achieve greatness.

Rich habits poor habits Episode 59 | Top 10 Common Habits of High Achievers

And these high achievers all share certain common habits.

Relying on my vast stores of knowledge and research data in studying successful people, I will do my best to identify the top 10 common habits in their order of importance:

1. Consistency — High Achievers go at it every day even when they are down, lack motivation, are sick, financially destitute, when life goes wrong, etc. Business People Climbing A Flight Of Stairs, Stepping Up A Stairway Career Ladder With Idea Light Bulb On A Top

They have specific habits or routines they perform every day No Matter What.

2. Focus – High Achievers are single-mindedly focused on their goals, dreams and routines.

They block out all distractions. They are masters at single-tasking. They never take their eye off the ball.

3. Visionaries – High Achievers have a vision or a blueprint.

Most likely, it is in writing and it is very specific.

Their vision or blueprint is the GPS or map they use to get them from where they are to where they want to be.

4. Persistent – High Achievers pursue their goals and dreams relentlessly. 

They overcome adversity.

They overcome obstacles.

They pivot or find ways to navigate around impasses.

They never quit.

5. Obsessed – High Achievers are fanatics.

They are obsessed with their goals, dreams, and routines.

They think about them 24/7.

They even dream about them.

6. Processed-Oriented – High Achievers create processes through experimentation that work and that they follow.

7. Action-Oriented – High Achievers are in constant motion.

They pursue activities that help them to continuously move forward in achieving their goals and dreams.

8. Calculated Risk Takers – High Achievers are calculated risk takers.

They overcome their fear of failure, fear of making mistakes, and fear of consequences by doing their homework, understanding the risks involved, and taking that calculated risk.

9. Deliberate Practice – High Achievers engage in daily Deliberate Practice in order to maintain and improve their skills. Business 3271744 1920

10. Self-Educators – High Achievers pursue knowledge every day.

They become experts in their field by increasing their knowledge through self-education.

Based on my fifteen years of studying high achievers, this is what it takes to become a High Achiever.

There are many moving parts, many variables, many ingredients to becoming a High Achiever.

It’s not anyone thing that makes them great. It’s a combination of many things.

Michael Yardney
About Michael Yardney Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.
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