[Podcast] Millionaires share their boring secrets of success | RICH HABITS, POOR HABITS Podcast

[Podcast] Millionaires share their boring secrets of success | RICH HABITS, POOR HABITS Podcast

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Each day a tree will grow a little more. 

It’s impossible to see the changes caused by the growth on a day to day basis.  

But, if you were to fast forward ten years and compare pictures of the old tree to the new tree, the change would be obvious and significant. Rhph 15 Millionaires Share Their Boring Habits Of Success

Self-made millionaires are really no different than trees. 

Each day, they do small things that inch them closer and closer to success.

And that’s what I discuss in today’s Rich Habits, Poor Habits Podcast with Tom Corley

Tom explains: 

If you were to ask my group of millionaires how they got so rich, here is what they would say: 

I did the following things, every day, that enabled me to grow into the person I needed to be in order to acquire the wealth I now possess:   

  • I read to learn every day for 30 minutes or more.
  • I kept in constant touch with certain influencers, certain important, success-minded people, and I built strong relationships with them over the past ten years. Eventually, those influencers helped open doors for me during my journey towards success. Road To Riches Wealth Income Money Easy Street Words 3d Illustra
  • I honed and improved my skills every day. I deliberately practiced those skills every day. I also sought feedback from others who watched me perform my skills.
  • I listened to and followed the advice of mentors who helped me during the pursuit of my dream and my goals.
  • I exercised aerobically every day for 30 minutes so I could keep my body and brain strong. My strong body enabled me to work long hours. My strong mind enabled me to find creative solutions to problems and overcome numerous obstacles.
  • I ate healthy every day in order to nourish my body and my brain, which helped my body and brain function at a higher level.
  • When I encountered any problems or obstacles that stopped me in my tracks, I focused like a laser to solve those problems and overcome those obstacles. Oftentimes, this need to focus required that I sacrifice time with my family and friends.
  • I worked hard every day to maintain a positive mental outlook. Especially when things were not going my way. I was able to do this because I knew exactly where I was going. I had a clear vision of my destination and that destination kept me focused on doing the work I needed to do in order to reach my destination.
  • I spent less than I earned and then invested my savings prudently. Because I had savings, I was able to take advantage of opportunities that came along during my climb up the mountain of success.
  • I always did my homework before taking any risk. I knew every conceivable outcome and had a plan in place to deal with every conceivable scenario, including worst case scenarios.
  • I focused like a laser on a specific goal every day until I achieved that goal. Then I set another goal and pursued that goal. Eventually, I achieved all of the goals that helped me realize each one of my dreams.
  • I always sought to exceed the expectations of everyone I did business with. This helped build confidence and trust and this generated more business and more revenue.
  • I controlled my emotions and tried to remain on an even keel when dealing with others. No one wants to do business with someone who is not in control of their emotions. As a result, more people wanted to do business with me.
  • I was careful how I spoke to others. I refused to curse or use language that offended anyone because I didn’t want to damage any valuable relationships I had devoted many years to building.
  • I treated everyone with the respect they deserved. Those that treated me poorly, I refused to do business with. Those that treated me with the respect I deserved, I did more business with.
  • I limited my exposure to toxic, negative people. They just drag you down and infect you with their negativity. My positive outlook helped keep me focused on seeking and finding solutions to my problems. Positivity made me a problems-solver. Negativity made me a problems-finder. 

The sad truth is that most people are looking for a speeding train they can ride up the mountain of success. 

When people say they want to know the secrets to success, most really only want to know the short-cuts to success. [Podcast] Millionaires share their boring secrets of success | RICH HABITS, POOR HABITS Podcast

They want some world-shattering, aha nugget of information that will guarantee them success in a very short period of time. 

They most definitely don’t want to listen to a boring list of daily habits. 

The truth is, the secrets to success are the little boring things you do every day, that nudge you inch by inch, up the long, steep mountain of success. 

Consistency in doing those little things, keeps you growing and moving forward in the realization of your dreams and achievement of your goals. 

The little daily consistent things you must do to become successful are not exciting “secrets”. 

They are boring habits. 

But they are boring habits that guarantee success. 

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney


Rich Habits Poor Habits 

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: 

“If you do win the lottery, if you do get an inheritance, and you haven’t grown to be a better person, a different person, have a more abundant mindset, turned up your wealth operating system as I call it, then you’re likely to lose it.” – Michael Yardney Wealth Key

“People have built these ceilings, these artificial ceilings. They’re not able to handle more because of their poor habits.” – Michael Yardney 

“You can’t be perfect at all the rich habits. We’re all walking around with one foot on the accelerator and one foot on the brake pedal.” – Michael Yardney 


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Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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