[Podcast] Here’s what to do when the property market goes a little crazy | Are you set to gain or lose a fortune in property in 2019 | Act in spite of your fears

[Podcast] Here’s what to do when the property market goes a little crazy | Are you set to gain or lose a fortune in property in 2019 | Act in spite of your fears

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History shows us that our property markets move through a cycle.

There’s a downturn, followed by a stabilization phase, then an upturn, then a boom.

And then the cycle starts all over again. My Podcast 86 Heres What Todo When Property Markets Little Crazy

Now that we’re in a downturn phase of the property cycle, I want to share some valuable lessons that I’ve learned from past property cycles.

I’ll be explaining what you can do when you find that the property markets have gone a little crazy.

I’ll also talk about how you can make or lose a fortune in 2019.

And I’ll share a mindset moment all about acting in spite of feeling afraid.

Are you set to gain or lose a fortune in property in 2019?

What goes up, as they say, must come down.

And segments of Australia’s property market are now in the slump phase of their cycle, catching out some naïve investors who hoped the value of their properties would rise forever.

This means you will probably lose money in this property downturn Your Future

Now hear me out.

I’m not one of those doomsayers saying our property markets will collapse.

I firmly believe the outlook for Australia’s property market remains robust and when prices rebound, the value of well-located investment grade properties will reach new peaks.

That’s because Australia’s real estate markets are supported by two solid fundamentals:

  1. Our strong population growth, which ensures consistent high housing demand.
  2. The wealth of our nation, which means the majority of Australians can afford a property.

But between now and the next upturn there’s going to be a painful learning curve for some property investors. Those who got carried away during the boom, often because of a fear of missing out, and took on maximum debt not understanding how the cycle works.

Of course, you could be the exception.

In every property downturn, some strategic investors do well. 

I kept investing during the property slump of the early 1980s because I didn’t know better. Future Sydney Scenarios

At the time there was limited information available and property statistics were only delivered annually – long after the fact.

However, in the downturn of the early ’90s, during the GFC in 2008-10 and in the slump of 2011-12 my portfolio performed well because I followed a few simple rules that helped me come out on top no matter what the market is doing.

So, here’s my advice to you:

  1. Become financially fluent

Learn everything you can about how money, finance and property work and start investing early.

While a trusted mentor and team will help immensely, you still need a solid understanding of how things work to make sound decisions, otherwise, you’ll be easy prey for the many spruikers.

  1. Adhere to a proven investment strategy

Follow a time-tested proven system and don’t speculate. The problem is many investors find my strategy is too simple and boring. They’re looking for something more complicated.

Your property investing should be boring so the rest of your life can be exciting.

  1. Only buy investment grade properties Australian Money In Wallet On Real Estate Background

I think that less than 5% of the properties on the market at present are what I call “investment grade” and will deliver stable wealth producing rates of returns.

Sure, there is plenty of investment stock out there, but don’t confuse the two.

These are built specifically for the investor market and sold by property marketers to naïve investors.

They lack scarcity and appeal to homeowners and are sold at a premium with no opportunity to add value.

On the other hand, investment-grade properties are in the right location, appeal to a wide range of affluent owner-occupiers, have street appeal and a favourable aspect.

  1. Invest for the long term

Real estate is a long-term investment, not a way to make “fast money.”

Growth isn’t linear so there will be years when values are flat before they rise again. Ensure you factor insufficient financial buffers, so you won’t be forced to sell when the market turns against you.

  1. Follow my 6 Stranded Strategic Approach and only buy a property
  • That would appeal to owner-occupiers as they buy with their hearts (while investors buy with their calculators) and are willing to pay more for a home and consequently push surrounding property values higher.  Property
  • Below intrinsic value – so avoid new and off-the-plan properties which come at a premium price.
  • With a high land to asset ratio – where the land component makes up a significant part of the asset value.
  • In an area that has a long history of strong capital growth and will continue to outperform the averages because of multiple drivers of capital growth and the right local demographic who will be able to afford to pay a premium to live there because they have higher disposable incomes.
  • With a twist – something unique, different or scarce about the property
  • Where you can manufacture capital growth through renovations or redevelopment rather than waiting for the market to grow organically.
  1. Focus on value, not bargains

Bargains rarely have potential. 

If no one else wants to buy it today, no one else will probably want it in 5 years’ time.  Seminar

Price is what you pay, value is what you get; so, buy the best property you can afford – the type of property you’d still be happy to own in 10 to 15 years’ time.

      7. Surround yourself with successful investors

It’s been said that you’re the average of the five people you hang out with the most, so surround yourself with high-performing, successful people to soak up their behaviours, habits, and mindsets.

You also gain access to their experience, knowledge, and resources that’ll help you make better investment decisions and financial choices.

Sure, a downturn can be a scary time, but there are things you can do to ensure that no matter what happens, you’ll pull through better than most.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney

Metropole Property Strategists

Wealth Retreat

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: Housing Boom

”Booms don’t last forever. Whether it’s property, whether it’s shares, whether it’s bitcoin, booms don’t last forever.” – Michael Yardney

“So, putting it all together, there are three legal investment strategies. You can be smarter than other people, you can be luckier than other people, or you can be more patient than others.” – Michael Yardney

“If you want to get to the next level, start before you’re ready.”


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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