[Podcast] Are You Good Enough to Succeed? | Rich Habits, Poor Habits Podcast

[Podcast] Are You Good Enough to Succeed? | Rich Habits, Poor Habits Podcast

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Have you ever felt that you’re not good enough? Have you wondered why you’re not appreciated or valued for who you really are?

This happens to everyone, even successful business people and entrepreneurs.

But why would wealthy and successful people feel they aren’t good enough? Rhph007

Something called imposter syndrome can make you feel as if you’re not good enough.

Imposter syndrome causes feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt even in face of evidence to the contrary.

If you’re wondering whether you not you’re good enough, there are questions you can ask yourself to help figure out whether you have what it takes to be successful.

Questions to ask yourself

  • Do you have the skills and knowledge that you need to succeed? If you only have the bare minimum of skills and knowledge, you’ll only achieve the bare minimum of success. Seek out virtuoso skills and virtuoso knowledge. Road To Success
  • Are you persistent? You’ll need to be in order to succeed. Persistence is not an inherent trait. The most persistent people are passionate about what they’re doing.
  • Do you have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge? Successful people spend a lot of time learning about the thing that they want to succeed at.
  • Are you a risk taker? Some people are too cautious, while others take too many risks. Successful people take risks, but they’re cautious and calculated risks.
  • Do you know what you want to achieve? Successful people know how to focus on the thing that they want to succeed at.
  • Do you have success habits? Whether or not you’re successful depends on whether you cultivate habits that lead to success.
  • Do you have the right team around you? You need experts around you to lead you in the right direction, and you need friends and family to support you. The right people will lift you up and the wrong people will drag you down.
  • Do you have a positive mental attitude? Optimism is a common trait among successful people.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney


Rich Habits Poor Habits

Michael Yardney’s Mentorship Program

Some of our favourite quotes from the show:

“Many people believe that others, not themselves, others are the judge of whether they’re good enough.” –Michael Yardney Against The Stream Opposite Concept Leader Goldfish

“I’ve worked with a lot of high-achieving people who didn’t feel worthy of their success.” –Michael Yardney

“Successful people seem to be continuously wanting to improve themselves.” –Michael Yardney


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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