Michael Yardney /

[Podcast] 25 things successful people don’t do, and neither should you! With Mark Creedon

[Podcast] 25 things successful people don’t do, and neither should you! With Mark Creedon
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It’s the beginning of yet another year and a prime time for all of us to take stock of who we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to go.

Many of us start each year with big ideas, plans, and hopes and then end each year with analysis and reflection. My Podcast 433

At the end of this year, some of us will look back on the year with joy about what we’ve accomplished.

Be it in our investments, their business, or in their personal life.

We’ll remember all the big wins we had and the successes we had.

Unfortunately for some, this year will end with disappointment—maybe even regret—about all the things they wanted to accomplish but didn’t.

If you are tired of making resolutions that go nowhere; tired of reaching for the stars to only land in the dirt; and tired of running in place, then today's show is for you as I chat with Mark Creedon about a list of things that successful people don't do and as you'll find out that's just as important as understanding what successful people do.

Have you ever wondered what successful people do to become... well… successful?

Be they businesspeople, entrepreneurs, or property investors, their success is caused by all the things they have chosen to do and all the things they have chosen NOT to do.

Sure there are lots of books, blogs, and podcasts on what successful people should do - great books like the 7 habits of highly successful people, but today I want to talk about things successful people don't do, and these can be just as important as the to do's on your path to success

Things Successful people don’t do:

  • Make excuses
  • Successful people are proactive – they get things done.
  • They don’t spend time feeling sorry for themselves. They take responsibility and don’t complain. After a setback, you’ll hear them say, “Oh, well.” Then they move on Failure
  • Dwell on failures
  • Successful people accept that failure is an essential part of growth.
  • They know that no matter how many times you’re knocked down, as long as you get right back up and use your new strength and knowledge to improve, you haven’t really failed
  • Dwell on problems
  • When you focus on the problems you’re facing, your behaviour agrees with the resulting stress, hindering your progress while bringing on even more problems.
  • However, focusing on actions to better your current situation produces clarity and positive thoughts, opening you to the possibilities of new solutions.
  • Resist change
    • Plans, strategies, or tactics might change, but instead of getting upset and frustrated, successful people quickly shift paths because they know there is more than one way to reach their goal. Breaking Through Security . Mixed Media
    • They instead embrace change and consider it a challenge. To them, an environment filled with the possibilities of change is the best to work in because it is energizing and can bring out the best in people.
  • Spend time or energy on stuff that is out of their hands.
    • A successful person doesn’t often whine about long lines, traffic, or other nuisances. These are things they can’t control, and they realize that spending precious time and energy thinking about them is fruitless.
  • Fear risk.
    • It’s not that they will recklessly jump into something; they take calculated risks. They weigh the benefits versus the risk before they either go all in or step away. Fear Fobo Decision
  • Worry about what others think.
    • That’s not to say they won’t speak up or defend their position. They just tend to be fair and even kind as they navigate their way through a situation where someone could get upset. It’s called "finesse."
  • Make the same mistake twice.
    • Successful people learn from failure or loss and don’t let it happen again. They won’t try to get different results from the same actions.
  • Give up. Ever!
    • They consider failure a chance to improve, not give up. For them, failure is a learning experience that will contribute knowledge toward eventually reaching their goal.
  • Envy others.
    • This is a big no-no. Successful people do not resent other people’s success. They show genuine happiness and use the success of another to fuel their own quest. Envy
  • Expect quick success.
    • They are in it to win it, and they understand that could take years. Patience is indeed a virtue! They don’t expect immediate results, whether it’s with a weight loss program or a business venture.
  • Think they are owed something.
    • Just because they have a college degree or have achieved a certain level of success, they don’t feel that the rest of the world owes them anything—whether a big salary, fancy title, amazing benefits, or free lunch. They are always ready to work long and hard for what they want.
  • They don’t define success with money
    • Most successful people define their success with happiness, inner peace, and positive contributions – more than money. Financial Success
  • They don’t start their day without a purpose or a plan
    • Not only do successful people have crystal clear short and long-term goals, but they also know exactly what they must accomplish each day to feel fulfilled as well as bring them closer to their goals.
  • They don’t set perfection as a goal
    • The danger in focusing on perfection is, that you become so consumed in finding imperfections to fix, that you will have little or nothing to show for in the end except unfinished, imperfect work. Plan
  • They don’t surround themselves with negative people
    • It’s fairly easy to absorb negative energy when you are around toxic people who are always complaining, procrastinating and making excuses.
  • They don’t focus on the negatives
    • Successful people don’t focus on what “could” go wrong, but on what they must do to succeed, as well as the lessons they will gain from the experience to help improve their lives.
  • They don’t stop learning
    • Successful people have mentors or coaches to inspire and motivate them when challenged and keep them accountable for their decisions and goals.
  • They don’t concern themselves with how others judge them
    • Successful people do not base their worth on how others think of them because they’ve set their own values, goals, and principles without having to depend on anyone to validate them. Learning
  • They don’t get jealous of other people’s victories
    • Successful people believe that there is enough supply of “wins” for everyone.
  • They don’t underestimate the power of fun
    • Successful people know how to relax and have fun. What’s the point of all the hustle if you’re always left feeling exhausted and frustrated?
  • They don’t neglect their health
    • Successful people are aware that unless they’re mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, they cannot perform at their very best when serving those who count on them. Relaxation 1967892 1920
  • They don’t live in the past
    • If you keep dwelling on what was, you will be unable to fully be present for what is, thus negatively affecting what’s to come.
  • They don’t end the day without giving thanks
    • Reflecting on the positive things from each day before going to bed can boost your mood, motivate you to keep going, and help you unwind.

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Get a copy of Mark’s new book here – Have a Business not a Job

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Some of our favourite quotes from the show:

“Getting involved in property investment takes risk.” – Michael Yardney

“If you are living in a Western country, you are already in the top 1% of the population anyway, because there are billions of people in this world who would love to be in your position and swap places with you.” – Michael Yardney

“Building that sort of a foundation takes time. But the longer it takes, the more sound the foundation will be.” – Michael Yardney


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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