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Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpgtom Corley
By Tom Corley

Find Some Shoulders to Climb On

Sixteenth-century astronomer Galileo Galilei stood on the shoulders of 15th-century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus when he proved through his own experiments that Copernicus’ sun-centered theory was correct.

Sir Isaac Newton, considered the father of physics and calculus, stood on the shoulders of Copernicus, Galileo and Rene Descartes.

Albert Einstein stood on the shoulders of Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, Descartes and many others when he came up with his famous mass = energy formula that gave birth to nuclear energy and our modern-day understanding of the universe.


All successful individuals stand on the shoulders of others.

Some of the shoulders we climb up on are found in books, others in mentors who help guide us in life.

If you want to be successful, you have to learn what to do and what not to do.

That ongoing growth in knowledge is the very foundation of success.

Now, let me ask you – whose shoulders are you going to climb on?

If you know the answer to that question, you are already walking in the footsteps of the successful who came before you.

Ahmad Imam Square Wide Lo Rez 400.jpgtom Corley
About Tom Corley Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:
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