Personal Finance

Building wealth certainly doesn’t happen overnight and as much as property investment is key, this all begins with how you manage your money. These articles offer the best advice from finance industry experts so you can learn how to benefit from long-term monetary strategies.
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The negotiation tricks used by the professionals
  • The rules of negotiation
  • The 5 big negotiation mistakes you must avoid
  • The myths of negotiation
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Your Credit Card Statement: A Personal Manifesto

I have a crazy idea I want to run by you. Imagine that a cultural anthropologist finds one of your credit card statements in 100 years. What would your spending suggest you value the most? Based on your spending, what assumptions might someone make about how you live your life? Our credit card statements (really,…

Rethinking Retirement and Wealth: A New Perspective

Make sure to ‘die with zero’ for optimal happiness – that’s the idea behind Bill Perkins book – Die with Zero. In short, Perkins wants to rescue you from over-saving and under-living. So let’s dive into a challenging yet enlightening perspective on retirement, personal finance, and life priorities, inspired by Simon Kuestenmacher’s article in The…

4 Reasons why you need to be yourself to be successful

We all have a friend or know someone who is a bit unique. They’re the kind of person that other people describe as slightly eccentric and who don’t seem to care what others think. But it’s not that they’re different from other people. It’s that they just refuse to do what most of us do,…

So, you’ve been scammed by a deepfake. What can you do?

Earlier this month, a Hong Kong company lost HK$200 million (A$40 million) in a deepfake scam. An employee transferred funds following a video conference call with scammers who looked and sounded like senior company officials. Generative AI tools can create image, video and voice replicas of real people saying and doing things they never would…

Wealth Needed to Join the Top 1%, by Country [Infographic]

The last decade has witnessed a remarkable surge in the global number of millionaires. By 2022, 1.1% of the world’s adults were millionaires, up from 0.6% in 2012. So, how to know if you belong to the top 1% in your country? In this infographic, we illustrate the net wealth required to enter the club in selected…

Women lead the charge in Australia’s $5 Trillion wealth transfer

Women are set to be the primary beneficiaries of Australia’s intergenerational wealth transfer, claiming about 65% of nearly $5 trillion by 2034, a groundbreaking report by JBWere published in the AFR reveals. This shift is fueled by factors such as longevity—women generally outlive men—and evolving divorce outcomes. Additionally, the ‘older daughter effect’ plays a significant role,…

Sleep Your Way to the Top – Why Sleep is Critical to Success

According to researchers from the University of Illinois, the more sleep a person gets, the more optimistic they are about life. Why is optimism, and thus sleep, so important? Reason #1 Optimists Are More Successful. Martin Seligman was a Psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania. In the mid-1980s, he created a Style Questionnaire that MetLife’s…

How Humility Keeps You From Making Big Mistakes

Remember that kid in your high-school geometry class who raised his hand and asked the question everyone knew the answer to? Remember how the class laughed and thought he was so dumb? It turns out that kid wasn’t dumb. That kid was humble. More humble than most of us. And being humble, when it comes to money,…

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