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independence through Property Investment?

Use our articles from leading experts in property investing as your guide – from how you could get started in property investment in Australia, the common mistakes to avoid, tips on buying property and a range of advanced property investment topics like the psychology ofsuccessful property investors, property finance, tax and the law plus lots more….
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • Why location is only one of the key factors you should look for
  • We look at where you SHOULDN’T buy
  • What’s the right property for this stage of the property cycle?
  • Why you should avoid “hotspots”
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When germs attack our bodies, our immune system quickly goes into action to repel or destroy the invaders. And if all else fails, it raises our body temperature until the enemy has been destroyed. It’s very similar to how the RBA is fighting the disease of inflation with high interest rates. Using higher temperatures to…

Throughout the annals of property history, one constant facet of asset selection has often eluded beginning investors and that is –  what really pushes up the price of some housing, while other pockets languish in the ‘medians’ or are below-par performers. Often, those new to the property game think it’s all pretty black and white…

If you’re anywhere near my age (I’m going to be 50 very soon), you know you need to be investing a sizeable portion of your income. Not should be. Need to be.  There are plenty of reasons for this, not least of which is the uncertainty around how much money you’ll need when you’re done working. But there’s…

Australia’s property market is facing a significant shift, with more and more investors opting to sell off their investment properties. The latest 2024 PIPA Annual Investor Sentiment Survey paints a concerning picture for the future of the rental market, with investors exiting faster than they are entering. Rising holding and compliance costs, combined with new…

If you’ve ever tried to make sense of the property market, you’ve likely found yourself staring at median house prices. It’s the statistic splashed across every news outlet, property report, and conversation around real estate. But while median prices are easy to grasp, they often fail to tell us what’s really happening on the ground,…

Sydney has long held the crown as Australia’s most expensive city, consistently commanding a premium over Melbourne. However, this premium has now reached historic extremes. The latest PropTrack data reveals that the typical house in Sydney fetches a whopping 70% premium over its Melbourne counterpart. Put simply, Melbourne’s median house price is about 41% cheaper…

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