Articles by Tom Corley

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Tom is a CPA, CFP and heads one of the top financial firms in New Jersey. For 5 years, Tom observed and documented the daily activities of wealthy people and people living in poverty and his research he identified over 200 daily activities that separated the “haves” from the “have nots” which culminated in his #1 bestselling book, Rich Habits – The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals. Visit the website:

Psychology Today reported in 2013 that 70% of our thoughts are negative. In 2005, The National Science Foundation did some research on how humans think. They found that humans had about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day and of those thoughts, 80%  were negative. Even worse, they found that 95% of the thoughts we have…

For the three individuals out there who have never hear of Spock, he is the Vulcan in the Star Trek series, books and movies. Spock’s overriding character trait was that he never expressed emotion and, thus, was ruled by logic. Interestingly, controlling your emotions was one of the common Rich Habits among the self-made millionaires…

If the 2020/2021 Pandemic has taught us anything it is that economic calamities happen. Some are worse than others. Depressions are, by far, the worse type of economic downturn. But they are rare. Recessions, however, are more commonplace. During recessions, millions lose their jobs. In the aftermath of a recession bloodbath, many lose their homes,…

Cheap people and frugal people are two very different types.  Cheap people focus on price first, when it comes to spending their money. Frugal people focus on quality first when it comes to spending their money. But one common denominator they both share is that they control how much money they spend. Most people, however,…

In my study on the habits of the rich and poor, I learned that three things about mentors: Mentors are hard to come by – only 24% of the wealthy had a mentor in life. Finding a mentor is the fast track to accumulating wealth – that 24% who found mentors also happened to accumulate…

Everyone has a financial plan – that includes you, whether or not you know it. As I’ve learned from my extensive research of the rich and poor, some financial plans can make you rich or make you poor. For Non-Savers, their financial plan is to spend every dollar they make. This financial plan will force you to…

In my five year study of the rich, I got to be that fly on the wall. I asked each millionaire 144 questions, broken down into 20 categories. The insight into their lives completely changed my understanding of millionaires and how wealth is accumulated. My disdain for the rich morphed into an admiration. All of…

Many first-time entrepreneurs fail. And when they fail, everyone inside their inner circle suffers – spouses, children, business partners, their banks, creditors, and others feel the pain of their failure. So, why do so many entrepreneurs fail? Thanks to my Rich Habits research, I have an enormous amount of unique quantitative and qualitative data that I…

I have a thought experiment for you. Walter is a very successful, very wealthy, self-made millionaire. His track record, over many years has been incredible – every time he invests money, 99% of the time he succeeds in making himself and his investors more money. Due to his 99% success rate, everyone wants to be…

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