Have you set yourself some high goals or some ‘impossible’ dreams? Well…I hope today’s quotes will help you develop and reach the highest level possible: I dream my painting and I paint my dream. ― Vincent van Gogh Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you….
What’s your financial time horizon? If you think about it, the average Australian has a very short financial time frame. Often they live week to week and wonder how they’re going to get through financially till the next pay packet. Then there are some Aussies who think about the months or the years ahead. But,…
Negotiation is more of an art than a science. Skilful negotiation doesn’t come naturally to most of us – it’s something that needs to be learned, practised, and perfected over time. It’s often said that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything, which means that most buyers and sellers, who only transact…
Today, leading demographer Simon Kuestenmacher and I will explain why the 2030s is going to be an outstanding decade for property. Now and then there is a significant strategic shift that creates a substantial property boom. Today, you’ll hear why Simon believes the great wealth transfer of up to $6 trillion as the baby boomers…
We teach our kids how to behave in public, how to have manners and the importance of working hard at school. But why don’t more of us teach our kids how to invest? We spend our lives investing. We invest in our homes, in our businesses and in our relationships with others. Almost everything we…
Today’s episode is a Q&A show. In fact, it’s the replay of a recent webinar where Ken Raiss, Brett Warren and I answered a wide range of questions asked by the participants. In this episode Ken Raiss, Brett Warren and I answer questions about the recent changes to the Tenancies Act in Victoria and explore…
Money. I write about it a lot, don’t I? Yet there are many things in life that are far more important than how much money you have or the size of your investment portfolio. Sure money is important in those areas of life where money is important, but it’s not at all important in those…
Let’s talk about some positive things you can do at present rather than worrying about COVID-19. So let me ask you….would you like some success tips? If so, why not ask successful people what they wished they’d been told when they were younger? That’s exactly what I did with these successful property professionals and here’s…
When I need to be creative and write another article or blog I know I tend to grab a coffee and sit in front of my computer. But I just read that some people turn to beer instead. Why? Well, the infographic below by Ryoko Iwata on I Love Coffee explains the difference between beer…
Today’s show is the second episode of my new weekly podcast with Simon Kuestenmacher. We’ll be talking about tribes. And let’s face it – we all belong to one. So, as a property investor, business owner, or entrepreneur, you really must understand how the various tribes think and what they want out of life. For…