Articles by Mark Creedon

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Mark Creedon is Director of Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind and business coach to some of Australia's leading entrepreneurs - each who call him their "unreasonable friend"
Visit Metropole's Business Accelerator Mastermind.

When I was about six or seven I wanted to play the drums. My parents went out and bought me a small snare drum along with a pair of drumsticks and brushes (I still can’t use brushes, but that’s another story). I remember the day my father brought the drum home, it was shiny silver…

We often talk about the things that we learn in business, the lessons that we get, and the people we get the lessons from. That got me thinking just the other day about how I also think there are some lessons that we can learn not from people, but in fact, from animals. It got…

Have you got the skills to make it as an entrepreneur? We all want the wealth and contentment that comes with great success, but the truth is, it takes a certain kind of person, with a certain skill set, to make it as an innovator. I’m not a believer in fate defining your fortune. We…

Recently I was considering the concept of limited resource thinking. It is often the case that a business may be held back by the owners having limited resource thinking. What exactly does this mean? A business owner may think they are unable to grow or expand because they have limited resources. Those resources may refer…

Success means different things to different people, but there are some timeless truths about what it takes to get to the top. One of the most successful books of all time about success was written nearly 80 years ago by a journalist called Napoleon Hill and it was called “Think and Grow Rich”. In the…

The thing about success is that it’s much more than just blind luck. In fact, research shows that successful people in all fields generally have high levels of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capability to recognise your own, and other people’s, emotions. The research, which tested more than a million people, also highlighted the things…

There is no one perfect formula to achieve success, which is probably a disappointment for many people!  Alas, too many people think they can simply follow one person’s individualised model of success and achieve the same stellar results. The issue with this idea is that everyone’s path can be very different because each person on…

Have you ever wondered what successful people do to become…well..successful? Be they business people, entrepreneurs or property investors their success is caused by all the things they have chosen to do and all the things they have chosen NOT to do. Lifehack listed 20 habits that successful people make it a point to consciously avoid….

I don’t know about you, but there have been times in my life when I’ve had to give up certain things. No one likes doing this, especially if what you’re giving up is enjoyable stuff! New Year’s resolutions are all about giving up what is not good for us in the long term. It could…

Tim’s book Tools of Titans was awesome. It can only be best described as action-packed and full of lessons that would be hard to find elsewhere. In Tools of Titans, Tim took a whole bunch of his incredible interviews and broke them down into two articles of 2 to 3 pages in length. This enabled him…

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