I bet you made some New Year’s resolutions. Most of us did because resolve comes easily on December 31st. But give it a few weeks and many of the resolutions you made might already be in disarray, compromised, or abandoned. And the resolute determination to make this year the year that you stick to your…
How was your year in 2024? Knowing what you know now, would you do differently? I have been reflecting on what I can change ready for this new year and the most important words that came to mind were Gratitude and Privilege. I am grateful for all of the material things that I have, love,…
Ever sat and really thought about the traits, values and differences between successful and unsuccessful people? It may seem obvious – successful people are, well, successful! They’re often confident, polished and assertive, with the warmth and charm to influence others. However, when you study what really makes successful people successful, there are a few simple…
There are moments in life when we think, “I have made a terrible mistake” or even, “Oh God, things could not get much worse.” Queue the doomsday music! That sinking feeling is not a pleasant one, and some people are so afraid of that emotion – of doing something wrong or taking a course of…
Want to know how to become a millionaire? Well…Jaime Tardy interviewed more than 120 millionaires to learn the “secrets” of how to become a millionaire and published her findings in a book, The Eventual Millionaire, which explains the most important insights from those interviews. Today I’d like to share 5 of the many ‘secrets’ she…
Remember when people made phone calls? Whenever you needed to know something, you just picked up the phone and called them. These days, we’re all chained to our laptops, emailing each other day and night. Did you get the report? What do you think about this approach? Email is a wonderful tool, but like social…
When I was about six or seven I wanted to play the drums. My parents went out and bought me a small snare drum along with a pair of drumsticks and brushes (I still can’t use brushes, but that’s another story). I remember the day my father brought the drum home, it was shiny silver…
We often talk about the things that we learn in business, the lessons that we get, and the people we get the lessons from. That got me thinking just the other day about how I also think there are some lessons that we can learn not from people, but in fact, from animals. It got…
Have you got the skills to make it as an entrepreneur? We all want the wealth and contentment that comes with great success, but the truth is, it takes a certain kind of person, with a certain skill set, to make it as an innovator. I’m not a believer in fate defining your fortune. We…
Recently I was considering the concept of limited resource thinking. It is often the case that a business may be held back by the owners having limited resource thinking. What exactly does this mean? A business owner may think they are unable to grow or expand because they have limited resources. Those resources may refer…