Have you ever wished that you had more money, without all the fuss and effort? Maybe you’re concerned you won’t have enough saved for retirement. Fortunately, there’s actually a simple way to accomplish those things if you’re willing to learn how to put your money to work for you. It’s called compound interest, and it can help…
There is a dire shortage of rental properties around Australia, meaning we have historically low vacancy rates and skyrocketing rents. The rental landscape in Australia is experiencing unprecedented challenges, but in a recent article in The Australian, Robert Gottliebsen offered four radical ideas to solve our rental crisis. Gottliebsen explained that an intricate weave of…
Australia’s total credit card bill attracting interest charges has dropped for the second time in nine months to a total of $17.73 billion. This is despite the fact the number of credit card accounts rose for the ninth month in a row, to a total of 12.6 million, according to new RBA data released today….
I’ve been in the real estate industry a very long time – at least, long enough to know how the game works. Purchasing property is a game made up of two teams: buyers and sellers. Sitting between them is usually the umpire, otherwise known as the real estate agent. For some people, real estate agents…
Yes we have a housing shortage. And no, there is no easy answer in sight. But increasing taxes will only hurt housing supply. The point was made well by Mike Zorbas, chief executive of Property Australia. In a recent article Mr Zorbas said… The CFMMEU and the Greens are right about one thing. More housing…
Australia’s home price recovery has hit a milestone, with national property prices now higher than a year ago according to the latest Proptrack Home Price Index Despite the sharp reduction in borrowing capacities that accompanied the 12 interest rises home prices have reversed much of 2022’s falls according to Eleanor Creagh, Senior Economist at Proptrack, Creagh explains…
The gap between the interest rates being paid by existing and new borrowers is narrowing Existing bank customers are starting to be rewarded for their loyalty with home loan rate discounts that could save borrowers over $1,000 in the first year alone, according to new insights from Canstar. Canstar’s analysis of Reserve Bank lenders’ Interest…
Rich Chinese property investors are eyeing up Australia, with over 700,000 expected to migrate overseas in the next 2 years. The latest ranking from Juwai IQI shows that Australia ranks number one as the top overseas destination for Chinese property hunters. Australia comes ahead of all other global markets, including Canada, the UK, and the…
The Reserve Bank has left the cash rate at 4.10 per cent, announcing a pause for the second meeting in a row, and third time this year. The key explanation was a desire to take more time to assess the impact of the increase in rates to date and the economic outlook. The Board also…
Are you thinking of taking advantage of the buoyant property markets and upgrading your home? Maybe you’re planning to move interstate for work. Need to upsize to fit the kiddies in or downsize now they’ve all left the nest? Are you thinking of keeping your current home as an investment property when you move? Holding onto…