Failure is such an ugly word.
It shouldn’t be.
There are a lot of people who are doing it.
Maybe they know something the rest of us don’t know.
According to the U.S. Census there are approximately 49 million who live below the poverty line in America and another 53 million who are at or near poverty.
That’s a lot of people.
There must be something to failure.
So many people can’t be wrong.
I spent five years researching the daily habits of the rich and poor and I’ve accumulated an enormous amount of data on exactly what you need to do to achieve either long-term success or long-term failure.
I thought I’d share with you some of the habits that will help you succeed in failing.
These habits, once adopted, will stop success in its tracks and get you on the path to long-term failure.
Let’s not waste any time and get right to it.
Habits You Need to Adopt in Order to Succeed in Failing
- Do not read for self-education – 98% of the poor in my study did not do any self-education reading.
Of the few who did read, 79% read strictly for entertainment. So don’t read, but if you do, stick to fiction and stay away from anything that might cause you to learn something.
Avoid all books and other reading material that has facts in it.
- Associate only with other failures – 96% of the poor in my study hung out with other poor people.|
It’s the birds of a feather thing.
The big takeaway here is to stay away from anyone that’s got anything going on.
You definitely don’t want to associate with anyone who is one of those self-improvement freaks.
If you see anyone you know coming out of a library, a gym, or posting stuff online with any facts, eliminate them from your inner circle.
They could infect you and take you off the failure track.
- Believe in your ability to fail – 87% of the poor in my study believed they would fail financially.
This is such an important limiting belief.
Limiting beliefs are critical to failure. You must embrace the limiting believe you will be poor and fail in life.
And keep up the negative self-talk. It reinforces those limiting beliefs and will make it much easier to fail.
- Watch a lot of T.V. – 77% of the poor in my study were couch potatoes.
They spent more than an hour a day watching T.V.
Sitting in front of a T.V. for hours ensures you will not have enough time to do anything constructive, like reading books with facts or exercising.
- Surf the Internet every day – 74% of the poor in my study spent more than an hour a day engaged in recreational Internet use.
The key word here is “recreational”.
Avoid any Internet sites that include any learning-type information.
Stick to Facebook and Twitter feeds focused on meaningless stuff.
There are millions of YouTube videos out there of people beating up other people, car chases, UFOs, comedians pretending to be bushes, etc.
The stupider the video, the better.
Time will fly by and before you know it it’ll be bedtime, leaving you no time for anything else.
Eat junk food
– 97% of the poor in my study ate more than 300 junk food calories each day.
Junk food is very different from healthy food. Do not confuse the two. Junk food helps put on fat weight.
As a general rule, stick to anything with a lot of sugar and salt in it, or any food sold in a liqueur store.
You need fat weight for heart disease, diabetes, and strokes.
With a disciplined diet of junk food, in time, you’ll become disabled.
It’s hard to succeed if you’re disabled by obesity, diabetes, or heart disease.
Unfortunately, this strategy takes time. Poor health or disability does not happen overnight.
You need to be diligent in pursuing poor health goals.
- Avoid any exercise – 77% of the poor in my study did not do any exercise.
Exercise includes running, jogging, walking fast, Stair Master, elliptical, lifting weights, situps, pushups etc.
Exercise makes you healthier and might cause you to adopt other good habits such as eating less junk food or cause you to quit smoking.
If you avoid exercise, eat junk food and watch T.V. all at the same time, that’s a very efficient use of your time.
It’s like hitting the trifecta.
Always look for efficient ways that destroy your health.
Good health and failure are like oil and water. Good health could throw a wrench into your failure process.
- Consume alcohol regularly in large quantities – 60% of the poor in my study got drunk regularly.
When you’re drunk, you make mistakes, poor choices, engage in bad behavior, do stupid things, say mean things to people, all of which will help you fail.
Plus, if you get drunk often enough, you won’t be as sharp on the job or it may cause you to miss work.
The more sick days you have due to hangovers, the more likely it will piss off your employer to the point where you get fired. So drink up.
- Listen to music or the radio when commuting to work – 74% of the poor in my study did this. Do not. I repeat.
Do not listen to audiobooks or podcasts while commuting.
These things usually include educational information.
You risk learning something when you listen to audiobooks or podcasts. Learning anything interferes with failure.
- Procrastinate as much as possible – 81% of the poor in my study avoided to-do lists.
To-do lists are bad because they stop procrastination in their tracks.
You need to procrastinate if you have any desire to fail.
- Avoid being mentored – 98% of the poor in my study did not have any mentors. Mentors are usually positive role models.
They will erase everything you are trying to accomplish.
Their good habits have a tendency of rubbing off on you.
Unless the mentor is another failure, stay away from them.
- Gossip as much as possible – 79% of the poor in my study gossiped.
Gossip is usually about bad things.
You know, verbally stabbing people in the back kind of stuff.
Gossip will help you damage your relationships and having poor relationships is one of the foundations of failure.
Try to focus your gossip on success-minded people, immediate supervisors, your employer, community leaders etc.
Gossip will eventually piss off the people you are gossiping about and, if done often enough, will help destroy those relationships.
- Live above your means – 95% of the poor in my study did not save anything. They spent all of their income.
But that will only get you so far along the path to failure.
You need to step up your game and accumulate credit card debt.
This living above your means strategy is probably the most powerful failure strategy because it can accelerate your failure more than the other strategies.
You could achieve failure and poverty within a year or less if you diligently live above your means.
That’s a lot of information, I know.
But failure is not an easy process.
You need to do certain, specific things every day to achieve failure.It requires as much effort and discipline as when you pursue success.
The good news is that, according to a famous London study, if you stick to these strategies for 66 days they will eventually become habits.
Habits don’t require any discipline.
They’re unconscious behavior.
66 days is all it takes.
Now go out there and fail!