[Podcast] Where did my new year’s resolution go? 9 Strategies to Rescue Them | Build a Business, Not a Job Podcast

[Podcast] Where did my new year’s resolution go? 9 Strategies to Rescue Them | Build a Business, Not a Job Podcast

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The custom of making New Year’s resolutions has been around for thousands of years, but it hasn’t always looked the way it does today. 

The ancient Babylonians held their new year’s celebrations in mid-March when the crops were planted.Where Did My New Year’s Resolutions Go. 9 Strategies To Rescue Them

They made promises to pay their debts or return items they borrowed. 

These promises were the forerunners of our new year’s resolutions. 

Today, we’re going to take about how to restore some of your New Year’s resolutions that may have fallen by the wayside. 

Where did my New Year’s resolution go?

I bet you made some New’ Year’s resolutions.

Most of us did because resolve comes easily on December 31st.2020

But give it a few weeks and many of the resolutions you made might already be in disarray, compromised, abandoned.  

And the resolute determination to make this year the year that you stick to your resolutions has probably forgotten altogether.

I’m not writing this to make you feel guilty over this abandonment.  

Instead, it is about the real reasons resolutions and the determination to achieve them are lost, year after year, and how to change things so that this year you’ll get on track to systematically set and achieve new goals.

So here are 9 strategies to rescue them

  1. You can’t achieve new goals or make desired changes without allocating time to do so.

One of the big reasons that resolutions never become reality is that no room is made for them in your daily schedule.

There are obviously some things you’re going to need to keep doing, some new things you’ll need to do and a bunch of things you’ll have to stop doing to make room for the new more productive activities.

  1. Priorities should govern schedule, schedule shouldn’t govern priorities.

Another mistake made by the vast majority of business owners and entrepreneurs is they operate like workers instead of bosses and leaders.  

To have a better year this year you’ll have to wrest control away from others’ priorities and be governed by your own priorities.  

  1. Resolutions aren’t resolutions without resolve.Business Accelerator Mastermind Big

Only you can decide what really matters to you.  

So don’t bother making resolutions to appease or satisfy others.  

Be honest with yourself – that’s a prerequisite for success.

  1. Resolutions require resources.

Almost anything you decide to do, any change you decide to make, any goal you set out to achieve requires new or different resources.  

You aren’t really serious about a resolution unless you invest in and gather the required resources.  

Sometimes investment motivates follow-through, too since you’ve expended time effort and money in it.

  1. Daily progress.

Take your goals, your objectives and break them down to a timeline and to-do list for each day, from now to fruition.  

Here is the discipline that is guaranteed certain to move you closer to any goal each and every day: refuse to end any day without doing something, no matter how small, that moves you toward the goal!  

  1. Who motivates the motivator?

As a businessperson, as an entrepreneur, as the leader you may be doing a lot of motivating of others, but who motivates you?  

Any professional sports coach will tell you: measurement automatically improves performance, and measurement monitored by someone else further improves performance.

  1. Build up to change.

Say you resolve to get up an hour earlier every morning to work on some project.  You could start with 15 minutes for two weeks, then 20 minutes for two weeks, then 30 for a month, then 45 for two weeks.

  1. It’s not too late to regroup!

You may already have let your resolutions slip away.  

It doesn’t matter.  Today, tonight, tomorrow morning at the latest, block out a couple of hours, bolt the door, unplug the phone, and re-group.

Review the resolutions.  Pick one or two that mean that most, and apply the seven ideas I’ve just shared with you.

  1. Don’t try and do it all on your own.

Resolve weakens under pressure, under stress, when you feel your time is out of your control.  

As I mentioned above it’s really hard to be successful on your own. You need a coach, an unreasonable friend, a mentor to hold you accountable.

And as a business coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs and business people, that’s why I specialise in.

Do you need guidance, motivation, and accountability to push your business through to the next level?

Are you frustrated that your business isn’t growing as fast as it could be?

Would you like your business to be less dependent on you?

Would you like step-by-step proven strategies to generate more business and sales in the next 90 days?

Would you like access to behind the scenes templates and tools used only by the top 1% of successful businesspeople?Business Accelerator Mastermind Small

Then click here now and find out all about Business Accelerator Mastermind.

This community is for you if you’re a businessperson, entrepreneur or professional who wants to 10x your income, elevate your ability to give, and leave a massive impact on your community and the world by up-leveling your tribe and improving your business acumen.

Why not make another New Year’s resolution and join our Mastermind group and get the advantage of having a coach on your side?

Please click here now and find out all about how you could benefit from this.

Links and Resources: 

Why not join Metropole’s Business Accelerator Mastermind

Learn more about Mark Creedon – Business Coach to some of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs  

Some of our favourite quotes from the show: 

“You’ve really got to decide what’s important to you, what matters to you.” – Mark Creedon 

“I think if you do invest the time, effort, money in getting resources, it is likely to motivate you more to actually keep going.” – Michael Yardney

“First of all, tell other people about your resolutions, because when you do make it public, you’re more likely to stick to them.” – Mark Creedon 


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Michael Yardney


Michael is the founder of Metropole Property Strategists who help their clients grow, protect and pass on their wealth through independent, unbiased property advice and advocacy. He's once again been voted Australia's leading property investment adviser and one of Australia's 50 most influential Thought Leaders. His opinions are regularly featured in the media.

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