Personal Finance

Building wealth certainly doesn’t happen overnight and as much as property investment is key, this all begins with how you manage your money. These articles offer the best advice from finance industry experts so you can learn how to benefit from long-term monetary strategies.
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The negotiation tricks used by the professionals
  • The rules of negotiation
  • The 5 big negotiation mistakes you must avoid
  • The myths of negotiation
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Doing Nothing Isn’t a Financial Plan

“I don’t know what to do.” I’ve heard those words a lot over the years. Smart, successful people with good educations would sit across from me and tell me they’d done little to no financial planning. They just didn’t know what to do, so they did nothing. I’m not surprised. Uncertainty has a way of…

Four things money can’t buy

I’ve often said that any problem money can solve isn’t a problem – it’s just a question of how motivated you are to find the funds and get it sorted. But there are lots of things that money can’t buy, and when we’re so focused on those dollar signs we can find ourselves missing out…

Pull Out Your No Shame, No Blame Hat for Better Money Decisions

I’m a huge advocate of the “no shame, no blame” rule when it comes to money. But I think there’s some confusion about how the rule works. It’s not that you won’t feel guilt. It’s also not about avoiding responsibility. Instead, it’s about recognizing the zero-sum game of relying on shame and blame to make better money…

Successful people don’t play the blame game

Life has a way of going wrong. When things go wrong, our natural inclination is to blame someone or something. This knee-jerk reaction helps protect our fragile egos, by taking individual responsibility for our actions, out of the equation. Blame is anchored in negativity and negativity is the default mode for those who are unsuccessful…

Some things that never change in a world that never stops changing

Today I’d like to discuss a few things that never change in a world that never stops changing. And that’s because the things that never change are the most important things to pay attention to. However, change gets the most attention because it’s exciting, it’s surprising, it’s something that the media can comment on. I…

7 things you need to know before you buy a property in your SMSF

Over the past decade, many Australians have invested in property via their superannuation funds. One of the reasons they do this is because they want to have control over the performance of the funds in their super. Another is it allows them to buy an investment property when perhaps they could not have otherwise. However,…

The Best Path to Long-Term Change Is Slow, Simple and Boring

Many of life’s choices fall into two categories: ■ Option A: Exciting and complex and quick, but the action rarely works. ■ Option B: Boring and simple and slow, but it works nearly all the time. I have been thinking a lot lately about why we are so intrigued by Option A. The list is…

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