The Spring selling season has arrived. Will this now bring good news for buyers who have been faced with limited options for much of this year? Well, according to PropTrack’s Senior Economist, Eleanor Creagh, the choice has improved significantly in the major capitals, with buyers benefiting from the rush of properties hitting the market. She…
Valuations are an essential aspect of the property investment game, with the potential to either help your portfolio prosper or stop it dead in its tracks. Financing a new purchase or restructuring or refinancing your existing debt are generally the main reasons for a property investor to have their assets valued. Because the result of…
When it comes to selling property, everyone wants the best price for the lowest possible expense. But how open to negotiation is your real estate agent likely to be? In this article, a group of experts reveal the pros and cons of haggling on costs and strategies to do it well. Picture this – you…
Whether you’re a first-time home buyer or property investor, our online calculator allows you to be aware of the costs involved in buying or selling a property before embarking on the lengthy and expensive process. In the meantime, I’ve put together all the information you might need on costs involved in buying and selling a…
Each major Australian capital city is faced with predicted population growth of millions more people within just the next 25 years. In Brisbane it’s over 1.5 million more, Sydney will cop another nearly 4 million, and Melbourne over 3 million more people. Here’s a scary fact: at current rates of cars to people, Brisbane will…
One good financial decision will have positive consequences. But five good decisions in a row will be life-changing. It will create a lot more than five times the positive outcomes that one good decision will. That’s because good decisions are a compounding asset. Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made…
The housing wealth gap between younger and older Australians is undeniably growing. Our recently published study attempts to find out how much it has grown by estimating the gap in the home equity of older people (Australians in their 50s) and younger people (Australians in their 30s) in 1997–98 and 2017–18. Adjusted for inflation, we…
One of the more infuriating ideas that seem to have more followers than it deserves is the notion that “tiny houses” are part of the solution to the housing affordability (and availability) challenges being faced in large Australian cities. “Tiny houses” are variously defined, but Wikipedia offers a useful description: “The tiny-house movement is an…
Do you make the most out of your potential tax deductions? Do you keep good records to substantiate your tax claims? Well, you should because the ATO regularly targets property investors, so it’s important that you know what you can and cannot claim as a tax deduction. What can you claim as a tax deduction?…
Victoria has led the states and territories in setting out a detailed housing statement that it says will help tackle the state’s housing shortage. Broad in scope and ambition, the plan includes new dwelling supply targets for Melbourne and regional Victoria, new fast-track deadlines for dwelling approvals and legislative reforms to protect private tenants. There…