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Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The 7-Step Property Development Process
  • 4 property development mistakes you must avoid
  • Is now the right time to get started?
  • Don’t buy or develop an investment property until you read this special report!
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Finding a property with development potential

Are you interested in property development? While many properties make good homes, fewer are “investment grade” properties and even fewer are potentially profitable development sites. In a recent blog, I outlined why I choose the suburbs where I undertake developments very carefully. Now it’s time to find the “right” property in that suburb – one that could…

The 6 business structures for property development

In the current property markets where capital growth will be subdued for some time, more sophisticated investors are considering getting involved in property development to enable them to “manufacture” capital growth. However, embarking on property development isn’t as simple as it might seem and unfortunately, too many investors begin their property development journey on the…

Acute skilled trade shortages beginning to ease

Australia’s acute shortage of skilled trades is beginning to ease, thanks to a slowdown in new home construction. The Housing Industry Association (HIA) Trades Availability Index registered -0.58 in the first quarter of 2024, improving from -0.64 at the end of 2023. This welcome change marks the least severe shortage of skilled trades in nearly…

Doubling Apartment Construction: a necessity to meet Government housing goals

The Housing Industry Association (HIA), has highlighted a significant challenge in meeting the Australian Government’s ambitious goal to construct 1.2 million homes over the next five years. According to HIA’s latest Economic and Industry Outlook report, the rate of apartment construction needs to double from current levels. However, capacity constraints are expected to keep apartment…

Apartment construction in NSW collapses under tax burden

The housing sector in New South Wales is facing a significant downturn, with apartment constructions plummeting since the introduction of additional taxes in 2017. Tim Reardon, the Chief Economist at the Housing Industry Association, highlights a stark 50% drop in unit commencements compared to previous years. “We’re witnessing apartment starts in NSW revert to levels…

Is Australia set to miss its ambitious housing targets?

It’s undeniable – Australia is in dire need of more homes to combat our ongoing housing crisis. The federal government has ambitiously pledged to construct 1.2 million new homes by 2029, but given the deep-seated issues plaguing the construction industry and the escalating housing affordability crisis, this target appears increasingly challenging. A decline in building…

Housing construction slows; Victoria to fall far short of supply target

With another building firm going into administration yesterday, affecting a further 120 projects, it wasn’t a great surprise to see that home-building activity was falling sharply in late 2023 as the pipeline shrunk. Apartment construction held up better. I’ve been of the opinion that anti-landlord legislation and new land taxes will stifle the supply of…

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