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Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
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  • 4 property development mistakes you must avoid
  • Is now the right time to get started?
  • Don’t buy or develop an investment property until you read this special report!
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Your complete guide to easements on property

When you buy real estate for the first time, you sometimes come across a bunch of unfamiliar terms. What’s conveyancing? What’s a pre-settlement inspection? What’s a trust account? And another term that is probably relatively unusual to new developers or investors is “easement”.   So, in this article, we’ll outline what an easement on a…

Do you understand the principle of highest and best use?

If you’re interested in getting involved in property development, or even if you’re keen to do serious renovations, there is an important principle you must understand. It’s the basis of all feasibility studies and it’s called highest and best use. Just like smart businesses try and maximise the return on their assets, so should you…

Chinese developers exit Australia as property crisis worsens in China

Chinese developers are increasingly downsizing or fleeing their Australian operations as China’s property crisis continues to intensify. Chinese property giants such as Country Garden, Evergrande, Poly, Greenland, Yuhu and Wanda burst into Australia’s property market two decades ago, investing billions into buying and developing high-profile property across the country. But as quickly as these developers…

This is how Millennials will drive future housing opportunities

As the housing markets in Australia’s major cities keep changing and growing, it’s crucial to realize that the homes constructed in the past may not match the needs of future homes. As we’ve often said, our changing demographics will drive the shape of our housing markets and these long-term influences will be more important than…

Hidden Costs of Building a House in Australia

Building a house in Australia home can be an exciting experience, but it is important to be aware of the many unexpected hidden costs of when building a house in Australia that can add up throughout the construction process. From the building design to council approval, the build itself to the fixtures and fittings, the…

Are building subcontractor payments and developer funds truly protected – or do clients lose out?

Construction is a $ 360 billion dollar industry in Australia. It’s what builds the homes we live in, the offices we work in, and the hospitals, schools and critical infrastructure that bind communities together. However, it has an Achilles heel: insolvency. According to data from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), 2,170 construction businesses…

How to get into property development in Australia

Have you ever wondered how you get started in property development? I’ve recently noticed a trend in budding developers – they are looking for an overview of the property development process and they want it in a simple and accessible way. It’s probably in part because many of the property markets around Australia are flat or…

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