Personal Finance

Building wealth certainly doesn’t happen overnight and as much as property investment is key, this all begins with how you manage your money. These articles offer the best advice from finance industry experts so you can learn how to benefit from long-term monetary strategies.
Michael Yardney Michael Yardney book
  • The negotiation tricks used by the professionals
  • The rules of negotiation
  • The 5 big negotiation mistakes you must avoid
  • The myths of negotiation
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Recently the Australian Taxation Office sent around a bulletin busting 5 common tax myths. Did you believe any of them? Myth 1: Investors can claim travel expenses to visit their residential investment property. Since 1 July 2017, investors can’t claim travel expenses to check on their residential investment property. This includes long and short-term rentals,…

A well-known study, conducted in 2013 by PEW Charitable Trusts, found that 70% of those born and raised in poverty, remain poor as adults. This “cycle of poverty” continues generation after generation. This data flies in the face of the notion that, at least in America, anyone can become financially successful so long as they…

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is not easy. I spent five years studying 177 self-made millionaires and I have to say, the entrepreneurs in my study were among the most courageous, fearless individuals I have ever met. They put everything on the line. They took enormous risks in the pursuit of their dreams. If you want…

Wondering what the Oracle of Omaha has his money invested in? In this graphic, we illustrate Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio holdings, as of Q1 2024. This data was released on May 15, 2024, and can be easily accessed via CNBC’s Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Tracker. The value of each position listed in this graphic is based on market…

No matter what age or stage of life you’re in, it’s valuable to understand how much money is needed for retirement. Because when the time does come, we all want to ensure we have the opportunity to live the best life possible. Here’s a breakdown of the average retirement income in Australia, how much money…

Are you waiting for things to change? Maybe you’re waiting for things to change so you can be happy or you’re waiting for things to change so you can finally take action on some of your ambitions. Maybe you’re wanting your business or professional practice to step up to the next level or you’re waiting…

The maths behind financial independence is incredibly simple. But, if that’s the case why do so few Australians achieve financial freedom? It’s not for the lack of knowledge – there are so many money blogs, videos, and podcasts out there. Instead, it’s a combination of our mindset, habits, and behaviours that rule our financial destiny….

Today I’d like to offer a list of simple strategies that can help Australians improve their financial fitness. If done properly, this includes assessing all aspects of personal finances, including strategies to boost retirement investments, such as including property and super, savings, a review of insurance policies, staying ahead of tax obligations and making an…

Remember that old-fashioned saying, “Behind every great man is a great woman”? These days, of course, it’s just as likely to be a man behind the successful woman, but the meaning behind the saying is as true as ever. Because if there’s one thing I know for certain: you’re only as successful as your support…

As the end of the financial year approaches, there are a few changes on the horizon for Australians. These changes along with some data will impact people and how they are struggling, according to Finder. Key changes Stage 3 tax cuts The Australian government has announced changes to the proposed stage 3 cuts, planned to…

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