Cryptocurrencies and other digital assets have enjoyed an astonishing rise into mainstream consciousness in recent years. Despite all the hype – perhaps partly because of it – investing in them can still expose us to serious risks. Last year, Australians lost A$2.74 billion to scams. Investment scams topped the list of ways we were fleeced,…
Are you faced with a problem? Psychologist Rick Hanson, senior fellow of The Greater Good Science Center of UC, Berkeley has studied something called negativity bias for years. He found that our brains are all hardwired for negativity. Negativity Bias is the habit of focusing on worst-case scenarios when we are confronted with problems. Our…
As I get older and wiser, I think there is a real problem going on in the world today. I feel like so many people walk around with a general sense of entitlement and it’s so damaging. This truth might hurt, but the world doesn’t owe you anything. That might sound harsh, but accepting that…
We’ve all heard what it takes to live longer – exercise more, eat well and don’t smoke. But, did you know that the state of your relationships plays an essential role as well? Julianne Hold-Lunstad of Brigham Young University has revealed some startling facts. She found that people with active social networks and support were 50%…
You’ve probably heard that most wealthy people own nothing in their own names, but control everything through structures such as a trust. If Australia’s richest people use trusts, maybe it’s something you should consider also. Did you know that trusts have been around since the 12th Century? The Lord Chancellor at that time could decide…
Australians are going without everything from prosecco to private health insurance as cost of living pressures persist, according to new research by Finder. Their survey of 1,012 respondents revealed more than 1 in 2 (54%) – equivalent to more than 11 million people – admit the cost of living has had a negative impact on…
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” -Confucius As children, we are programmed to believe that failure is bad. If you fail a test, it negatively impacts your grade for the course. Fail enough tests and teachers start calling parents. Parents then yell at their children to…
Baby Boomers, who predominantly make up the current generation of grandparents, are having significant impacts on the economic landscape, showcasing their pivotal role in wealth transfers as they actively contribute to and shape the financial dynamics over the years ahead. The proportion of national population to proportion of national wealth across the generations highlights a…
Turn on the news and you’ll see plenty of people in hot water over mistakes they’ve made. There are some pretty powerful people out there, I’m sure you’ll agree, who make expensive and damaging errors every day. Now, I’m not saying that’s OK or that they shouldn’t take responsibility for what’s happened. But my point…
Successful people seem to be obsessed with success quotes. They love to throw them around wherever and whenever they can. Successful speakers love to use quotes as do successful authors. Success and quotes go together like beer and pretzels. So, I thought I’d share some of the quotes I’ve accumulated from interviewing self-made millionaires, from…